4-H Youth Development
LeTourneau, Taylor
taylor.letourneau@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5294 |
Administration, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
Hux, Carolyn
carolyn.hux@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8202 |
Administration, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
Isaacks, Kelli
kelli.isaacks@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8204 |
Administration, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
Sheppard, Lindsey
lindsey.sheppard@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8206 |
Administration, Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
Clark, Jessica
jjclark@tamu.edu |
979-845-5051 |
Administration, Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
Grange, Stacie
sgrange@tamu.edu |
979-845-5051 |
Administration, Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
Hughson, Jill
jill.hughson@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-0134 |
Administration, Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
South, Gina
gina.south@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-7879 |
Administration, Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
Veals, Yolanda
yveals@tamu.edu |
979-845-5051 |
Administrative Services
Jackson, Sissy
sissy.jackson@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-5767 |
Administrative Services
South, Gina
gina.south@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-7879 |
Agricultural and Environmental Safety
VanHorn, Tina
tina.vanhorn@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-5201 |
Agricultural Economics (AGEC)
Butts, Rachelle
rachelle.butts@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-1751 |
Agricultural Economics (AGEC)
Davis, Tracy
tracy.davis@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-2116 |
Agricultural Economics (AGEC)
Singh, Anita
anita.singh@ag.tamu.edu |
979-363-0866 |
Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication (ALEC)
Payne, Michelle
marian.payne@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5750 |
Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Evidence Center
Bailey, Angela
angela.bailey@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8197 |
Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Evidence Center
Bosse, Trish
trish.bosse@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-3280 |
Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Evidence Center
Spill, Maureen
maureen.spill@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-3280 |
AgriLife Business Services
Giordano, Katie
katie.giordano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-1258 |
AgriLife Business Services
Lukeman, Robbie
robbie.lukeman@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-0444 |
AgriLife Business Services
Perez, Ann
ann.perez@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-1286 |
AgriLife Information Technology
Hughson, Jill
jill.hughson@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-0134 |
AgriLife Information Technology
Perez, Ann
ann.perez@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-1286 |
AgriLife Information Technology
Stolle, Alex
alex.stolle@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5329 |
AgriLife Marketing and Communications
Perez, Ann
ann.perez@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-1286 |
AgriLife Marketing and Communications
Stolle, Alex
alex.stolle@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5329 |
Amarillo Research and Extension Center
Lucas, Laura
laura.lucas@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Amarillo Research and Extension Center
Wingate, Kathy
kathy.wingate@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Anderson County Office
Cole, Judy
judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Anderson County Office
Sensing, Michelle
michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Anderson County Office
Walton, Carolyn
carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Andrews County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Angelina County Office
Cole, Judy
judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Angelina County Office
Sensing, Michelle
michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Angelina County Office
Walton, Carolyn
carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Animal Science (ANSC)
Carwile, Amy
amy.carwile@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-7524 |
Applied Technologies (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Applied Technologies (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Applied Technologies (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Aransas County Office
Huff, Belle
belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu |
361-698-7400 |
Aransas County Office
Mood, Sydney
sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu |
361-265-9203 |
Archer County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
Archer County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Archer County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Armstrong County Office
Bice, Linda
linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Armstrong County Office
Martin, Lori
lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Associate Director's Office - Finance & Administration (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Associate Director's Office - Finance & Administration (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Associate Director's Office - Finance & Administration (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Associate Director's Office - Forest Resource Development (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Associate Director's Office - Forest Resource Development (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Associate Director's Office - Forest Resource Development (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Associate Director's Office - Forest Resource Protection (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Associate Director's Office - Forest Resource Protection (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Atascosa County Office
Benavides, Elizabeth
elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Atascosa County Office
Cantu, Annett
annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Austin County Office
Huff, Belle
belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu |
361-698-7400 |
Austin County Office
Mood, Sydney
sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu |
361-265-9203 |
Bailey County Office
Coffman, Michelle
michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Bailey County Office
Parnell, Ginger
ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Bandera County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Bastrop County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Baylor County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
Baylor County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Baylor County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Beaumont Research Center
Christensen, Eric
eric.christensen@aesrg.tamu.edu |
409-245-8610 |
Beaumont Research Center
Wang, Jing
jing.wang@aesrg.tamu.edu |
409-752-2741 |
Bee County Office
Huff, Belle
belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu |
361-698-7400 |
Bee County Office
Mood, Sydney
sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu |
361-265-9203 |
Bell County Office
Nivens, Heidi
heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9433 |
Better Living for Texans (BLT)
Jones, Margarita
margarita.jones@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5268 |
Bexar County EFNEP
Atkinson, Jessica
jessica.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5275 |
Bexar County Office
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
Bexar County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Bexar County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Bexar County Office
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
Biochemistry and Biophysics (BCBP)
Cotton, Betty
betty.cotton@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8281 |
Biochemistry and Biophysics (BCBP)
Fink, Amanda
amanda.fink@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-5032 |
Biological and Agricultural Engineering (BAEN)
Bennett, Haley
haley.bennett@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8235 |
Biological and Agricultural Engineering (BAEN)
Stranges, Sonya
sonya.stranges@ag.tamu.edu |
979-220-3981 |
Biological and Agricultural Engineering (BAEN)
Yeager, Cheryl
cheryl.yeager@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8228 |
Blanco County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Borden County Office
Coffman, Michelle
michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Borden County Office
Parnell, Ginger
ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Borlaug Institute of International Agriculture
Evans, Rhonda
rhonda.evans@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8130 |
Borlaug Institute of International Agriculture
Patrenella, Nancy
nancy.patrenella@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8128 |
Bosque County Office
Nivens, Heidi
heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9433 |
Bowie County Office
Harris, Sharon
sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Brazoria County Office
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
Brazoria County Office
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
Brazos County Office
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
Brazos County Office
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
Brewster-Jeff Davis County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Briscoe County Office
Bice, Linda
linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Briscoe County Office
Martin, Lori
lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Brooks County Office
Benavides, Elizabeth
elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Brooks County Office
Cantu, Annett
annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Brown County Office
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
Budgets and Accounting (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Budgets and Accounting (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Budgets and Accounting (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Burleson County Office
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
Burleson County Office
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
Burnet County Office
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
Caldwell County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Calhoun County Office
Huff, Belle
belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu |
361-698-7400 |
Calhoun County Office
Mood, Sydney
sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu |
361-265-9203 |
Callahan County Office
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
Cameron County EFNEP
Atkinson, Jessica
jessica.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5275 |
Cameron County Office
Benavides, Elizabeth
elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Cameron County Office
Cantu, Annett
annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Camp County Office
Harris, Sharon
sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Canyon Laboratory (TVMDL)
Alvarado, Jasmin
jasmin.alvarado@tvmdl.tamu.edu |
979-845-3414 |
Canyon Laboratory (TVMDL)
Bond, Kara
kara.bond@tvmdl.tamu.edu |
979-845-3414 |
Canyon Laboratory (TVMDL)
Brod, Jordan
jordan.brod@tvmdl.tamu.edu |
979-845-3414 |
Canyon Laboratory (TVMDL)
Morris, Stacy
stacy.morris@tvmdl.tamu.edu |
979-845-3414 |
Canyon Laboratory (TVMDL)
Pham, Thinh
thinh.pham@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-0183 |
Canyon Laboratory (TVMDL)
Rodman, Casey
casey.rodman@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-0164 |
Capacity Building (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Capacity Building (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Capacity Building (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Carson County Office
Bice, Linda
linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Carson County Office
Martin, Lori
lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Cass County Office
Harris, Sharon
sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Castro County Office
Coffman, Michelle
michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Castro County Office
Parnell, Ginger
ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Center Poultry Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL)
Alvarado, Jasmin
jasmin.alvarado@tvmdl.tamu.edu |
979-845-3414 |
Center Poultry Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL)
Bond, Kara
kara.bond@tvmdl.tamu.edu |
979-845-3414 |
Center Poultry Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL)
Brod, Jordan
jordan.brod@tvmdl.tamu.edu |
979-845-3414 |
Center Poultry Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL)
Morris, Stacy
stacy.morris@tvmdl.tamu.edu |
979-845-3414 |
Center Poultry Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL)
Pham, Thinh
thinh.pham@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-0183 |
Center Poultry Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL)
Rodman, Casey
casey.rodman@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-0164 |
Central / West Texas Operations (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Central / West Texas Operations (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Central / West Texas Operations (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Chambers County Office
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
Chambers County Office
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
Cherokee County Office
Cole, Judy
judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Cherokee County Office
Sensing, Michelle
michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Cherokee County Office
Walton, Carolyn
carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Childress County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
Childress County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Childress County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Clay County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
Clay County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Clay County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Cochran County Office
Coffman, Michelle
michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Cochran County Office
Parnell, Ginger
ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Coke County Office
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
Coleman County Office
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Administration
Fields, Sherilyn
sherilyn.fields@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-3712 |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Administration
Kocmoud, Gaby
gaby.kocmoud@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-3712 |
College Station Laboratory (TVMDL)
Alvarado, Jasmin
jasmin.alvarado@tvmdl.tamu.edu |
979-845-3414 |
College Station Laboratory (TVMDL)
Bond, Kara
kara.bond@tvmdl.tamu.edu |
979-845-3414 |
College Station Laboratory (TVMDL)
Brod, Jordan
jordan.brod@tvmdl.tamu.edu |
979-845-3414 |
College Station Laboratory (TVMDL)
Morris, Stacy
stacy.morris@tvmdl.tamu.edu |
979-845-3414 |
College Station Laboratory (TVMDL)
Pham, Thinh
thinh.pham@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-0183 |
College Station Laboratory (TVMDL)
Rodman, Casey
casey.rodman@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-0164 |
Collin County Office
Harris, Sharon
sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Collingsworth County Office
Bice, Linda
linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Collingsworth County Office
Martin, Lori
lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Colorado County Office
Huff, Belle
belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu |
361-698-7400 |
Colorado County Office
Mood, Sydney
sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu |
361-265-9203 |
Comal County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Comanche County Office
Nivens, Heidi
heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9433 |
Communications (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Communications (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Communications (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Concho County Office
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
Cooke County Office
Harris, Sharon
sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Cooperative Extension Program (CEP)
LeNoir, Donna
donna.lenoir@ag.tamu.edu |
936-262-5178 |
Cooperative Extension Program (CEP)
McCoy, Trissy
trissy.mccoy@ag.tamu.edu |
936-261-5125 |
Cooperative Extension Program (CEP)
Srivastava, Ashwani
ashwani.srivastava@ag.tamu.edu |
936-261-5140 |
Cooperative Extension Program (CEP)
Williams, Carolyn
carolyn.williams@ag.tamu.edu |
936-261-5122 |
Corporate Engagement and Research Support
Morris, Jessica
jessica.morris@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5659 |
Corporate Engagement and Research Support
Muntean, Carl
carl.muntean@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5651 |
Corpus Christi Research and Extension Center
Cardwell, Cathy
cathy.cardwell@ag.tamu.edu |
361-265-9201 |
Corpus Christi Research and Extension Center
Klock, Stephanie
stephanie.klock@ag.tamu.edu |
361-265-9203 |
Coryell County Office
Nivens, Heidi
heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9433 |
Cottle County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
Cottle County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Cottle County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Crane County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Crockett County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Crosby County Office
Coffman, Michelle
michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Crosby County Office
Parnell, Ginger
ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Culberson County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Dallam-Hartley County Office
Bice, Linda
linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Dallam-Hartley County Office
Martin, Lori
lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Dallas County EFNEP
Atkinson, Jessica
jessica.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5275 |
Dallas County Office
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
Dallas County Office
Harris, Sharon
sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Dallas County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Dallas County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Dallas County Office
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
Dallas Research and Extension Center
Conrad, Jared
jared.conrad@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Dallas Research and Extension Center
Cubero, Susan
susan.cubero@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Dallas Research and Extension Center
Midkiff, Gretchen
gretchen.midkiff@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Dawson County Office
Coffman, Michelle
michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Dawson County Office
Parnell, Ginger
ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Deaf Smith County Office
Bice, Linda
linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Deaf Smith County Office
Martin, Lori
lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Delta County Office
Harris, Sharon
sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Denton County Office
Harris, Sharon
sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
DeWitt County Office
Huff, Belle
belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu |
361-698-7400 |
DeWitt County Office
Mood, Sydney
sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu |
361-265-9203 |
Dickens County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
Dickens County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Dickens County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Dimmit County Office
Benavides, Elizabeth
elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Dimmit County Office
Cantu, Annett
annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Director's Office (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Director's Office (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Director's Office, AgriLife Research
Bailey, Angela
angela.bailey@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8197 |
Disaster, Assessment & Recovery (DAR)
Leighton, Brayla
brayla.leighton@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5255 |
District 01 Office - Panhandle
Bice, Linda
linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
District 01 Office - Panhandle
Martin, Lori
lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
District 02 Office - South Plains
Coffman, Michelle
michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
District 02 Office - South Plains
Parnell, Ginger
ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
District 03 Office - Rolling Plains
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
District 03 Office - Rolling Plains
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
District 03 Office - Rolling Plains
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
District 04 Office - North
Harris, Sharon
sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
District 05 Office - East
Cole, Judy
judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
District 05 Office - East
Sensing, Michelle
michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
District 05 Office - East
Walton, Carolyn
carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
District 06 Office - Far West
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
District 07 Office - West Central
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
District 08 Office - Central
Nivens, Heidi
heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9433 |
District 09 Office - Southeast
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
District 09 Office - Southeast
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
District 10 Office - Southwest
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
District 11 Office - Coastal Bend
Huff, Belle
belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu |
361-698-7400 |
District 11 Office - Coastal Bend
Mood, Sydney
sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu |
361-265-9203 |
District 12 Office - South
Benavides, Elizabeth
elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
District 12 Office - South
Cantu, Annett
annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Donley County Office
Bice, Linda
linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Donley County Office
Martin, Lori
lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Duval County Office
Benavides, Elizabeth
elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Duval County Office
Cantu, Annett
annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
East Texas Operations (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
East Texas Operations (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
East Texas Operations (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
East Texas Operations - Central Region (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
East Texas Operations - Central Region (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
East Texas Operations - Central Region (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
East Texas Operations - North Region (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
East Texas Operations - North Region (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
East Texas Operations - North Region (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
East Texas Operations- South Region (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
East Texas Operations- South Region (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
East Texas Operations- South Region (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Eastland County Office
Nivens, Heidi
heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9433 |
Ecology and Conservation Biology (ECCB)
Miles, Dawn
dawn.miles@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-3234 |
Ector County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Educational Development and Engagement (EDE)
Perez, Ann
ann.perez@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-1286 |
Educational Development and Engagement (EDE)
Stolle, Alex
alex.stolle@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5329 |
Edwards County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
El Paso County EFNEP
Atkinson, Jessica
jessica.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5275 |
El Paso County Office
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
El Paso County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
El Paso County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
El Paso County Office
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
El Paso Research and Extension Center
Mendoza, Valerie
valerie.mendoza@ag.tamu.edu |
915-701-3044 |
El Paso Research and Extension Center
Zhang, Dong
dong.zhang@ag.tamu.edu |
915-859-9111 |
Ellis County Office
Nivens, Heidi
heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9433 |
Emergency Operations Center (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Emergency Operations Center (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Emergency Operations Center (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Emergency Response Dispatch (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Emergency Response Dispatch (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Emergency Response Dispatch (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Employee Development (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Employee Development (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Entomology (ENTO)
Fulton, Caitlin
caitlin.fulton@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-2516 |
Entomology (ENTO)
Gold, Teresa
teresa.gold@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-2510 |
Entomology (ENTO)
Livingston, LeeAnn
leeann.livingston@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-2516 |
Erath County Office
Nivens, Heidi
heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9433 |
Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
Atkinson, Jessica
jessica.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5275 |
Falls County Office
Nivens, Heidi
heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9433 |
Family and Community Health (FCH)
Boehnke, Rose
rose.boehnke@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5012 |
Family and Community Health (FCH)
Mayer, Gabriela
gabby.mayer@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5011 |
Fannin County Office
Harris, Sharon
sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Farm Services
Atkinson, Taylor
taylor.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5900 |
Farm Services
Fazzino, Katherine
katherine.fazzino@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5900 |
Farm Services
McClosky, Beth
beth.mcclosky@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5902 |
Farm Services
Young, Judy
judy.young@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-3041 |
Fayette County Office
Huff, Belle
belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu |
361-698-7400 |
Fayette County Office
Mood, Sydney
sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu |
361-265-9203 |
Fisher County Office
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
Floyd County Office
Coffman, Michelle
michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Floyd County Office
Parnell, Ginger
ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Foard County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
Foard County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Foard County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Food Science and Technology (FST)
Howell-Colon, Brittany
brittany.howell@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5388 |
Food Science and Technology (FST)
Naufal, Lindsey
lindsey.naufal@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5386 |
Forest Analytics (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Forest Analytics (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Forest Analytics (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Forest Economics & Resource Analysis (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Forest Economics & Resource Analysis (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Forest Economics & Resource Analysis (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Forest Health, Stewardship, Water Resources (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Forest Health, Stewardship, Water Resources (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Forest Health, Stewardship, Water Resources (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Forest Inventory & Analysis (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Forest Inventory & Analysis (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Forest Inventory & Analysis (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Forest Systems (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Forest Systems (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Forest Systems (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Fort Bend County Office
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
Fort Bend County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Fort Bend County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Fort Bend County Office
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
Franklin County Office
Harris, Sharon
sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Freestone County Office
Nivens, Heidi
heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9433 |
Frio County Office
Benavides, Elizabeth
elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Frio County Office
Cantu, Annett
annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Gaines County Office
Coffman, Michelle
michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Gaines County Office
Parnell, Ginger
ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Galveston County Office
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
Galveston County Office
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
Garza County Office
Coffman, Michelle
michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Garza County Office
Parnell, Ginger
ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Genomics and Bioinformatics Services
Childers, Shana
shana.childers@ag.tamu.edu |
979-862-3262 |
Geospatial Services (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Geospatial Services (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Geospatial Services (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Gillespie County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Glasscock County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Goliad County Office
Huff, Belle
belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu |
361-698-7400 |
Goliad County Office
Mood, Sydney
sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu |
361-265-9203 |
Gonzales County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Gonzales Poultry Laboratory (TVMDL)
Alvarado, Jasmin
jasmin.alvarado@tvmdl.tamu.edu |
979-845-3414 |
Gonzales Poultry Laboratory (TVMDL)
Bond, Kara
kara.bond@tvmdl.tamu.edu |
979-845-3414 |
Gonzales Poultry Laboratory (TVMDL)
Brod, Jordan
jordan.brod@tvmdl.tamu.edu |
979-845-3414 |
Gonzales Poultry Laboratory (TVMDL)
Morris, Stacy
stacy.morris@tvmdl.tamu.edu |
979-845-3414 |
Gonzales Poultry Laboratory (TVMDL)
Pham, Thinh
thinh.pham@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-0183 |
Gonzales Poultry Laboratory (TVMDL)
Rodman, Casey
casey.rodman@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-0164 |
Gray County Office
Bice, Linda
linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Gray County Office
Martin, Lori
lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Grayson County Office
Harris, Sharon
sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Gregg County Office
Cole, Judy
judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Gregg County Office
Sensing, Michelle
michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Gregg County Office
Walton, Carolyn
carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Grimes County Office
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
Grimes County Office
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
Guadalupe County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Hale County Office
Coffman, Michelle
michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Hale County Office
Parnell, Ginger
ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Hall County Office
Bice, Linda
linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Hall County Office
Martin, Lori
lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Hamilton County Office
Nivens, Heidi
heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9433 |
Hansford County Office
Bice, Linda
linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Hansford County Office
Martin, Lori
lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Hardeman County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
Hardeman County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Hardeman County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Hardin County Office
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
Hardin County Office
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
Harris County EFNEP
Atkinson, Jessica
jessica.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5275 |
Harris County Office
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
Harris County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Harris County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Harris County Office
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
Harrison County Office
Cole, Judy
judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Harrison County Office
Sensing, Michelle
michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Harrison County Office
Walton, Carolyn
carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Haskell County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
Haskell County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Haskell County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Hays County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Healthy Texas
Hines, Shannon
shannon.hines@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-0508 |
Healthy Texas
Hohlt, Rusty
rusty.hohlt@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-0574 |
Hemphill County Office
Bice, Linda
linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Hemphill County Office
Martin, Lori
lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Henderson County Office
Cole, Judy
judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Henderson County Office
Sensing, Michelle
michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Henderson County Office
Walton, Carolyn
carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Hidalgo County EFNEP
Atkinson, Jessica
jessica.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5275 |
Hidalgo County Office
Benavides, Elizabeth
elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Hidalgo County Office
Cantu, Annett
annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Hill County Office
Nivens, Heidi
heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9433 |
Hockley County Office
Coffman, Michelle
michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Hockley County Office
Parnell, Ginger
ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Hood County Office
Nivens, Heidi
heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9433 |
Hopkins County Office
Harris, Sharon
sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Horticultural Sciences (HORT)
Ray, Amanda
amanda.ray@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-7001 |
Hospitality, Hotel Management and Tourism (HMGT)
Barnes, Deborah
deborah.barnes@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8056 |
Hospitality, Hotel Management and Tourism (HMGT)
Crawford, Deanna
deanna.crawford@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-3271 |
Houston County Office
Cole, Judy
judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Houston County Office
Sensing, Michelle
michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Houston County Office
Walton, Carolyn
carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Howard County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Hudspeth County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Hunt County Office
Harris, Sharon
sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Hutchinson County Office
Bice, Linda
linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Hutchinson County Office
Martin, Lori
lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Idalou - West Texas Nursery (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Idalou - West Texas Nursery (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Idalou - West Texas Nursery (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Incident Response (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Incident Response (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Incident Response - Central Branch (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Incident Response - Central Branch (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Incident Response - East Branch (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Incident Response - East Branch (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Incident Response - East Branch (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Incident Response - North Branch (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Incident Response - North Branch (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Incident Response - Northwest Branch (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Incident Response - Northwest Branch (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Incident Response - Northwest Branch (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Incident Response - Panhandle Branch (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Incident Response - Panhandle Branch (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Incident Response - South Branch (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Incident Response - South Branch (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Incident Response - South Central Branch (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Incident Response - South Central Branch (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Incident Response - West Branch (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Incident Response - West Branch (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Incident Response Administration (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Incident Response Administration (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Incident Response Logistics (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Incident Response Logistics (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Information Resources (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Information Resources (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Information Resources (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Institute for Advancing Health Through Agriculture (IHA)
Charanza, Courtney
courtney.charanza@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-3280 |
Institute for Advancing Health Through Agriculture (IHA)
Reeder, Arin
arin.reeder@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-3407 |
Institute for Infectious Animal Diseases (IIAD)
Peterson, Laura
laura.peterson@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-1350 |
Institute for Infectious Animal Diseases (IIAD)
Whisenant, Rachel
rachel.whisenant@ag.tamu.edu |
979-458-2310 |
Irion County Office
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
Jack County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
Jack County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Jack County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Jackson County Office
Huff, Belle
belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu |
361-698-7400 |
Jackson County Office
Mood, Sydney
sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu |
361-265-9203 |
Jasper County Office
Cole, Judy
judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Jasper County Office
Sensing, Michelle
michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Jasper County Office
Walton, Carolyn
carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Jefferson County Office
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
Jefferson County Office
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
Jim Hogg County Office
Benavides, Elizabeth
elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Jim Hogg County Office
Cantu, Annett
annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Jim Wells County Office
Benavides, Elizabeth
elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Jim Wells County Office
Cantu, Annett
annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Johnson County Office
Nivens, Heidi
heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9433 |
Jones County Office
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
Karnes County Office
Huff, Belle
belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu |
361-698-7400 |
Karnes County Office
Mood, Sydney
sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu |
361-265-9203 |
Kaufman County Office
Harris, Sharon
sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Kendall County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Kent County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
Kent County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Kent County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Kerr County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Kimble County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
King County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
King County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
King County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Kinney County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Kleberg-Kenedy County Office
Benavides, Elizabeth
elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Kleberg-Kenedy County Office
Cantu, Annett
annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Knox County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
Knox County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Knox County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
La Salle County Office
Benavides, Elizabeth
elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
La Salle County Office
Cantu, Annett
annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Lamar County Office
Harris, Sharon
sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Lamb County Office
Coffman, Michelle
michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Lamb County Office
Parnell, Ginger
ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Lampasas County Office
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
Large Animal Clinical Sciences
Clark, Jessica
jjclark@tamu.edu |
979-845-5051 |
Large Animal Clinical Sciences
Grange, Stacie
sgrange@tamu.edu |
979-845-5051 |
Large Animal Clinical Sciences
Hughson, Jill
jill.hughson@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-0134 |
Large Animal Clinical Sciences
South, Gina
gina.south@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-7879 |
Large Animal Clinical Sciences
Veals, Yolanda
yveals@tamu.edu |
979-845-5051 |
Lavaca County Office
Huff, Belle
belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu |
361-698-7400 |
Lavaca County Office
Mood, Sydney
sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu |
361-265-9203 |
Law Enforcement (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Law Enforcement (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Law Enforcement (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Lee County Office
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
Lee County Office
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
Leon County Office
Nivens, Heidi
heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9433 |
Liberty County Office
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
Liberty County Office
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
Limestone County Office
Nivens, Heidi
heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9433 |
Lipscomb County Office
Bice, Linda
linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Lipscomb County Office
Martin, Lori
lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Live Oak County Office
Benavides, Elizabeth
elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Live Oak County Office
Cantu, Annett
annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Llano County Office
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
Lubbock County Office
Coffman, Michelle
michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Lubbock County Office
Parnell, Ginger
ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Lubbock Research and Extension Center
Pointer, David
david.pointer@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-0195 |
Lubbock Research and Extension Center
Rodriguez, Robyn
robyn.rodriguez@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Lynn County Office
Coffman, Michelle
michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Lynn County Office
Parnell, Ginger
ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Madison County Office
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
Madison County Office
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
Marion County Office
Cole, Judy
judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Marion County Office
Sensing, Michelle
michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Marion County Office
Walton, Carolyn
carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Martin County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Mason County Office
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
Matagorda County Office
Huff, Belle
belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu |
361-698-7400 |
Matagorda County Office
Mood, Sydney
sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu |
361-265-9203 |
Maverick County Office
Benavides, Elizabeth
elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Maverick County Office
Cantu, Annett
annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
McCulloch County Office
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
McGregor Research Center
Carwile, Amy
amy.carwile@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-7524 |
McGregor Research Center
Dowell, Priscilla
priscilla.dowell@ag.tamu.edu |
254-840-2878 |
McLennan County Office
Nivens, Heidi
heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9433 |
McMullen County Office
Benavides, Elizabeth
elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
McMullen County Office
Cantu, Annett
annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Medina County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Menard County Office
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
Midland County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Milam County Office
Nivens, Heidi
heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9433 |
Mills County Office
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
Mitchell County Office
Coffman, Michelle
michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Mitchell County Office
Parnell, Ginger
ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Mitigation And Prevention (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Mitigation And Prevention (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Mitigation And Prevention (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Montague County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
Montague County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Montague County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Montgomery County Office
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
Montgomery County Office
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
Moore County Office
Bice, Linda
linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Moore County Office
Martin, Lori
lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Morris County Office
Harris, Sharon
sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Motley County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
Motley County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Motley County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Nacogdoches County Office
Cole, Judy
judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Nacogdoches County Office
Sensing, Michelle
michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Nacogdoches County Office
Walton, Carolyn
carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Navarro County Office
Nivens, Heidi
heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9433 |
Newton County Office
Cole, Judy
judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Newton County Office
Sensing, Michelle
michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Newton County Office
Walton, Carolyn
carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Nolan County Office
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
Nueces County EFNEP
Atkinson, Jessica
jessica.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5275 |
Nueces County Office
Huff, Belle
belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu |
361-698-7400 |
Nueces County Office
Mood, Sydney
sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu |
361-265-9203 |
Nutrition (NUTR)
Joshi, Riddhi
riddhi.joshi@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-2142 |
Nutrition (NUTR)
Mendoza, Valerie
valerie.mendoza@ag.tamu.edu |
915-701-3044 |
Nutrition (NUTR)
Paez Colasante, Ximena
ximena.paezcolasante@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-7060 |
Nutrition (NUTR)
Stott, Jessica
jessica.stott@ag.tamu.edu |
915-701-3099 |
Ochiltree County Office
Bice, Linda
linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Ochiltree County Office
Martin, Lori
lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Office of Data and Accountability
Wood, Sydney
sydney.wood@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-5352 |
Office of the State Chemist
Manandhar, Arun
arun@otsc.tamu.edu |
979-845-1121 |
Office of the Vice Chancellor
Conchola, Annette
annette.conchola@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8003 |
Oldham County Office
Bice, Linda
linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Oldham County Office
Martin, Lori
lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Orange County Office
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
Orange County Office
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
Organizational Development
Payne, Michelle
marian.payne@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5750 |
Overton Research and Extension Center
Welch, Sandra
sandra.welch@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Palo Pinto County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
Palo Pinto County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Palo Pinto County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Panola County Office
Cole, Judy
judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Panola County Office
Sensing, Michelle
michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Panola County Office
Walton, Carolyn
carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Parker County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
Parker County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Parker County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Parmer County Office
Coffman, Michelle
michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Parmer County Office
Parnell, Ginger
ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Payroll and Support Services (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Payroll and Support Services (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Payroll and Support Services (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Pecos County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Pecos Station
Pointer, David
david.pointer@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-0195 |
Pecos Station
Rodriguez, Robyn
robyn.rodriguez@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Planning And Preparedness (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Planning And Preparedness (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Plant Pathology and Microbiology (PLPM)
Hughson, Jill
jill.hughson@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-0134 |
Plant Pathology and Microbiology (PLPM)
McCallum, Krista
krista.mccallum@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-7311 |
Plant Pathology and Microbiology (PLPM)
Svajda, Cooper
cooper.svajda@ag.tamu.edu |
979-458-6376 |
Polk County Office
Cole, Judy
judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Polk County Office
Sensing, Michelle
michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Polk County Office
Walton, Carolyn
carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Potter County Office
Bice, Linda
linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Potter County Office
Martin, Lori
lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Poultry Science (POSC)
Bienski, Lori
lori.bienski@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-1932 |
Predictive Services (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Predictive Services (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Presidio County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Purchasing (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Purchasing (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Rains County Office
Harris, Sharon
sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Randall County Office
Bice, Linda
linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Randall County Office
Martin, Lori
lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Rangeland Wildlife and Fisheries Management (RWFM)
Nemec, Theresa
theresa.nemec@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8475 |
Reagan County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Real County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Red River County Office
Harris, Sharon
sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Reeves County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Refugio County Office
Huff, Belle
belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu |
361-698-7400 |
Refugio County Office
Mood, Sydney
sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu |
361-265-9203 |
Roberts County Office
Bice, Linda
linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Roberts County Office
Martin, Lori
lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Robertson County Office
Nivens, Heidi
heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9433 |
Rockwall County Office
Harris, Sharon
sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Runnels County Office
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
Rusk County Office
Cole, Judy
judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Rusk County Office
Sensing, Michelle
michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Rusk County Office
Walton, Carolyn
carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Sabine County Office
Cole, Judy
judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Sabine County Office
Sensing, Michelle
michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Sabine County Office
Walton, Carolyn
carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
San Angelo Research and Extension Center
Kvapil, Audrey
audrey.kvapil@ag.tamu.edu |
325-653-4576 |
San Augustine County Office
Cole, Judy
judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
San Augustine County Office
Sensing, Michelle
michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
San Augustine County Office
Walton, Carolyn
carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
San Jacinto County Office
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
San Jacinto County Office
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
San Patricio County Office
Huff, Belle
belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu |
361-698-7400 |
San Patricio County Office
Mood, Sydney
sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu |
361-265-9203 |
San Saba County Office
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
Schleicher County Office
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
Scurry County Office
Coffman, Michelle
michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Scurry County Office
Parnell, Ginger
ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Shackelford County Office
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
Shelby County Office
Cole, Judy
judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Shelby County Office
Sensing, Michelle
michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Shelby County Office
Walton, Carolyn
carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Sherman County Office
Bice, Linda
linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Sherman County Office
Martin, Lori
lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Siviculture (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Siviculture (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Siviculture (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Smith County Office
Cole, Judy
judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Smith County Office
Sensing, Michelle
michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Smith County Office
Walton, Carolyn
carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Soil and Crop Sciences (SCSC)
Atkinson, Taylor
taylor.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5900 |
Soil and Crop Sciences (SCSC)
Fazzino, Katherine
katherine.fazzino@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5900 |
Soil and Crop Sciences (SCSC)
McClosky, Beth
beth.mcclosky@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5902 |
Soil and Crop Sciences (SCSC)
Young, Judy
judy.young@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-3041 |
Somervell County Office
Nivens, Heidi
heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9433 |
Sonora Research Station
Kvapil, Audrey
audrey.kvapil@ag.tamu.edu |
325-653-4576 |
Starr County Office
Benavides, Elizabeth
elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Starr County Office
Cantu, Annett
annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Stephens County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
Stephens County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Stephens County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Stephenville Research and Extension Center
Moravec, Rachel
rachel.moravec@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9427 |
Stephenville Research and Extension Center
Nivens, Heidi
heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9433 |
Stephenville Research and Extension Center
Thetford, Sara
sara.thetford@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9425 |
Sterling County Office
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
Stonewall County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
Stonewall County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Stonewall County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Sutton County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Swisher County Office
Coffman, Michelle
michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Swisher County Office
Parnell, Ginger
ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Tarrant County EFNEP
Atkinson, Jessica
jessica.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5275 |
Tarrant County Office
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
Tarrant County Office
Harris, Sharon
sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Tarrant County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Tarrant County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Tarrant County Office
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
Taylor County Office
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
Temple Research and Extension Center
Wimberley, Joyce
joyce.wimberley@ag.tamu.edu |
254-774-6006 |
Temple Research and Extension Center
Zavodny, Abbeye
abbeye.zavodny@ag.tamu.edu |
254-774-6038 |
Terrell County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Terry County Office
Coffman, Michelle
michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Terry County Office
Parnell, Ginger
ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Texas 4-H Conference Center
Cross, Dana
dana.cross@ag.tamu.edu |
325-784-5482 |
Texas 4-H Conference Center
LeTourneau, Taylor
taylor.letourneau@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5294 |
Texas A&M Institute for Genomic Medicine
King, Stephanie
sking@tigm.org |
979-458-4128 |
Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute
Chernosky, Vicki
vicki.chernosky@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-1851 |
Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute
Johnson, Rosemary
rosemary.johnson@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-3982 |
Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute
Law, Laura
laura.law@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-3658 |
Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL)
Alvarado, Jasmin
jasmin.alvarado@tvmdl.tamu.edu |
979-845-3414 |
Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL)
Bond, Kara
kara.bond@tvmdl.tamu.edu |
979-845-3414 |
Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL)
Brod, Jordan
jordan.brod@tvmdl.tamu.edu |
979-845-3414 |
Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL)
Morris, Stacy
stacy.morris@tvmdl.tamu.edu |
979-845-3414 |
Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL)
Pham, Thinh
thinh.pham@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-0183 |
Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL)
Rodman, Casey
casey.rodman@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-0164 |
Texas Agricultural Lifetime Leadership Program (TALL)
Martinez, Jennifer
jennifer.martinez@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-1554 |
Texas Community Watershed Partners (TCWP)
Cain, Julie
julie.cain@ag.tamu.edu |
281-218-0570 |
Texas Foundation Seed Service
Atnip, Anastasia
anastasia.atnip@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3897 |
Texas Foundation Seed Service
Jones, David
david.jones@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Texas Water Resources Institute (TWRI)
Fernandez, Christine
christine.fernandez@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-2870 |
Texas Water Resources Institute (TWRI)
Kalisek, Danielle
danielle.kalisek@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-2693 |
Throckmorton County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
Throckmorton County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Throckmorton County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Titus County Office
Harris, Sharon
sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Tom Green County Office
Michalewicz, Kerri
kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu |
325-657-7312 |
Travis County EFNEP
Atkinson, Jessica
jessica.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5275 |
Travis County Office
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
Travis County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Travis County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Travis County Office
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
Trinity County Office
Cole, Judy
judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Trinity County Office
Sensing, Michelle
michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Trinity County Office
Walton, Carolyn
carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Tyler County Office
Cole, Judy
judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Tyler County Office
Sensing, Michelle
michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Tyler County Office
Walton, Carolyn
carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Upshur County Office
Cole, Judy
judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Upshur County Office
Sensing, Michelle
michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Upshur County Office
Walton, Carolyn
carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Upton County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Urban & Community Forestry (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Urban & Community Forestry (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Urban & Community Forestry (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Urban Program
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
Urban Program
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Urban Program
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Urban Program
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
Uvalde County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Uvalde Research and Extension Center
Figueroa Pagan, Manuel
manuel.figueroapagan@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6134 |
Uvalde Research and Extension Center
Thompson, Christine
christine.thompson@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6125 |
V.G. Young Institute of County Government
Hejl, Natalie
natalie.hejl@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-4572 |
Val Verde County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Van Zandt County Office
Harris, Sharon
sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu |
972-231-5362 |
Vernon Research and Extension Center
Atnip, Anastasia
anastasia.atnip@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3897 |
Vernon Research and Extension Center
Jones, David
david.jones@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Veterinary Integrative Biosciences
Clark, Jessica
jjclark@tamu.edu |
979-845-5051 |
Veterinary Integrative Biosciences
Grange, Stacie
sgrange@tamu.edu |
979-845-5051 |
Veterinary Integrative Biosciences
Hughson, Jill
jill.hughson@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-0134 |
Veterinary Integrative Biosciences
South, Gina
gina.south@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-7879 |
Veterinary Integrative Biosciences
Veals, Yolanda
yveals@tamu.edu |
979-845-5051 |
Veterinary Pathobiology
Clark, Jessica
jjclark@tamu.edu |
979-845-5051 |
Veterinary Pathobiology
Grange, Stacie
sgrange@tamu.edu |
979-845-5051 |
Veterinary Pathobiology
Hughson, Jill
jill.hughson@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-0134 |
Veterinary Pathobiology
South, Gina
gina.south@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-7879 |
Veterinary Pathobiology
Veals, Yolanda
yveals@tamu.edu |
979-845-5051 |
Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology
Clark, Jessica
jjclark@tamu.edu |
979-845-5051 |
Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology
Grange, Stacie
sgrange@tamu.edu |
979-845-5051 |
Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology
Hughson, Jill
jill.hughson@ag.tamu.edu |
979-803-0134 |
Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology
South, Gina
gina.south@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-7879 |
Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology
Veals, Yolanda
yveals@tamu.edu |
979-845-5051 |
Victoria County Office
Huff, Belle
belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu |
361-698-7400 |
Victoria County Office
Mood, Sydney
sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu |
361-265-9203 |
Walker County Office
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
Walker County Office
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
Waller County Office
DeStefano, Nicole
nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu |
979-845-6800 |
Waller County Office
Schultz, Sandra
sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu |
979-314-8208 |
Ward County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Washington County Office
Huff, Belle
belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu |
361-698-7400 |
Washington County Office
Mood, Sydney
sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu |
361-265-9203 |
Webb County Office
Benavides, Elizabeth
elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Webb County Office
Cantu, Annett
annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Weslaco Research and Extension Center
Casas, Candi
candi.casas@ag.tamu.edu |
956-969-5627 |
Weslaco Research and Extension Center
Griesemer, Julissa
julissa.griesemer@ag.tamu.edu |
956-969-5613 |
Western Gulf Tree Improvement Program (TFS)
Dudo, Justin
jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-845-1770 |
Western Gulf Tree Improvement Program (TFS)
Mattert, Krista
krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5701 |
Western Gulf Tree Improvement Program (TFS)
Tutt, Josh
josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu |
979-458-7309 |
Wharton County Office
Huff, Belle
belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu |
361-698-7400 |
Wharton County Office
Mood, Sydney
sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu |
361-265-9203 |
Wheeler County Office
Bice, Linda
linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Wheeler County Office
Martin, Lori
lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu |
806-677-5600 |
Wichita County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
Wichita County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Wichita County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Wilbarger County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
Wilbarger County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Wilbarger County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Wildlife Services
Amador, Jaime
jaime.h.amador@usda.gov |
210-561-3810 |
Wildlife Services
Chairez, Gina
gina.d.chairez@usda.gov |
210-561-3813 |
Willacy County EFNEP
Atkinson, Jessica
jessica.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu |
979-321-5275 |
Willacy County Office
Benavides, Elizabeth
elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Willacy County Office
Cantu, Annett
annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Williamson County Office
Nivens, Heidi
heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu |
254-974-9433 |
Wilson County Office
Melchor, Rosy
rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu |
830-988-6154 |
Winkler-Loving County Office
Schoenfeldt, Staci
staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu |
432-336-8585 |
Wise County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
Wise County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Wise County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Wood County Office
Cole, Judy
judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Wood County Office
Sensing, Michelle
michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Wood County Office
Walton, Carolyn
carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu |
903-834-6191 |
Yoakum County Office
Coffman, Michelle
michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Yoakum County Office
Parnell, Ginger
ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu |
806-746-6101 |
Young County Office
Coop, Lorrie
lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu |
940-647-3893 |
Young County Office
Lora, Ana
ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Young County Office
Sims, Cynthia
cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu |
940-552-9941 |
Zapata County Office
Benavides, Elizabeth
elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Zapata County Office
Cantu, Annett
annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Zavala County Office
Benavides, Elizabeth
elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |
Zavala County Office
Cantu, Annett
annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu |
956-968-5581 |