Unit Account Managers


Both units and managers may be repeated in this listing as managers can be responsible for multiple units and units will typically have multiple managers.

Unit Manager Email Phone
4-H Youth Development LeTourneau, Taylor taylor.letourneau@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5294
Administration, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Hux, Carolyn carolyn.hux@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8202
Administration, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Isaacks, Kelli kelli.isaacks@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8204
Administration, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Sheppard, Lindsey lindsey.sheppard@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8206
Administration, Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences Clark, Jessica jjclark@tamu.edu 979-845-5051
Administration, Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences Grange, Stacie sgrange@tamu.edu 979-845-5051
Administration, Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences Hughson, Jill jill.hughson@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-0134
Administration, Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences South, Gina gina.south@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-7879
Administration, Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences Veals, Yolanda yveals@tamu.edu 979-845-5051
Administrative Services Jackson, Sissy sissy.jackson@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-5767
Administrative Services South, Gina gina.south@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-7879
Agricultural and Environmental Safety VanHorn, Tina tina.vanhorn@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-5201
Agricultural Economics (AGEC) Butts, Rachelle rachelle.butts@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-1751
Agricultural Economics (AGEC) Davis, Tracy tracy.davis@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-2116
Agricultural Economics (AGEC) Singh, Anita anita.singh@ag.tamu.edu 979-363-0866
Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication (ALEC) Payne, Michelle marian.payne@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5750
Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Evidence Center Bailey, Angela angela.bailey@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8197
Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Evidence Center Bosse, Trish trish.bosse@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-3280
Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Evidence Center Spill, Maureen maureen.spill@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-3280
AgriLife Business Services Giordano, Katie katie.giordano@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-1258
AgriLife Business Services Lukeman, Robbie robbie.lukeman@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-0444
AgriLife Business Services Perez, Ann ann.perez@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-1286
AgriLife Information Technology Hughson, Jill jill.hughson@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-0134
AgriLife Information Technology Perez, Ann ann.perez@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-1286
AgriLife Information Technology Stolle, Alex alex.stolle@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5329
AgriLife Marketing and Communications Perez, Ann ann.perez@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-1286
AgriLife Marketing and Communications Stolle, Alex alex.stolle@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5329
Amarillo Research and Extension Center Lucas, Laura laura.lucas@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Amarillo Research and Extension Center Wingate, Kathy kathy.wingate@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Anderson County Office Cole, Judy judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Anderson County Office Sensing, Michelle michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Anderson County Office Walton, Carolyn carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Andrews County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Angelina County Office Cole, Judy judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Angelina County Office Sensing, Michelle michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Angelina County Office Walton, Carolyn carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Animal Science (ANSC) Carwile, Amy amy.carwile@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-7524
Applied Technologies (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Applied Technologies (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Applied Technologies (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Aransas County Office Huff, Belle belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu 361-698-7400
Aransas County Office Mood, Sydney sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu 361-265-9203
Archer County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
Archer County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Archer County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Armstrong County Office Bice, Linda linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Armstrong County Office Martin, Lori lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Associate Director's Office - Finance & Administration (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Associate Director's Office - Finance & Administration (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Associate Director's Office - Finance & Administration (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Associate Director's Office - Forest Resource Development (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Associate Director's Office - Forest Resource Development (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Associate Director's Office - Forest Resource Development (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Associate Director's Office - Forest Resource Protection (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Associate Director's Office - Forest Resource Protection (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Atascosa County Office Benavides, Elizabeth elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Atascosa County Office Cantu, Annett annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Austin County Office Huff, Belle belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu 361-698-7400
Austin County Office Mood, Sydney sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu 361-265-9203
Bailey County Office Coffman, Michelle michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Bailey County Office Parnell, Ginger ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Bandera County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Bastrop County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Baylor County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
Baylor County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Baylor County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Beaumont Research Center Christensen, Eric eric.christensen@aesrg.tamu.edu 409-245-8610
Beaumont Research Center Wang, Jing jing.wang@aesrg.tamu.edu 409-752-2741
Bee County Office Huff, Belle belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu 361-698-7400
Bee County Office Mood, Sydney sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu 361-265-9203
Bell County Office Nivens, Heidi heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9433
Better Living for Texans (BLT) Jones, Margarita margarita.jones@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5268
Bexar County EFNEP Atkinson, Jessica jessica.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5275
Bexar County Office DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
Bexar County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Bexar County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Bexar County Office Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
Biochemistry and Biophysics (BCBP) Cotton, Betty betty.cotton@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8281
Biochemistry and Biophysics (BCBP) Fink, Amanda amanda.fink@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-5032
Biological and Agricultural Engineering (BAEN) Bennett, Haley haley.bennett@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8235
Biological and Agricultural Engineering (BAEN) Stranges, Sonya sonya.stranges@ag.tamu.edu 979-220-3981
Biological and Agricultural Engineering (BAEN) Yeager, Cheryl cheryl.yeager@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8228
Blanco County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Borden County Office Coffman, Michelle michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Borden County Office Parnell, Ginger ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Borlaug Institute of International Agriculture Evans, Rhonda rhonda.evans@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8130
Borlaug Institute of International Agriculture Patrenella, Nancy nancy.patrenella@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8128
Bosque County Office Nivens, Heidi heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9433
Bowie County Office Harris, Sharon sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Brazoria County Office DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
Brazoria County Office Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
Brazos County Office DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
Brazos County Office Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
Brewster-Jeff Davis County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Briscoe County Office Bice, Linda linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Briscoe County Office Martin, Lori lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Brooks County Office Benavides, Elizabeth elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Brooks County Office Cantu, Annett annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Brown County Office Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
Budgets and Accounting (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Budgets and Accounting (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Budgets and Accounting (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Burleson County Office DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
Burleson County Office Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
Burnet County Office Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
Caldwell County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Calhoun County Office Huff, Belle belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu 361-698-7400
Calhoun County Office Mood, Sydney sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu 361-265-9203
Callahan County Office Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
Cameron County EFNEP Atkinson, Jessica jessica.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5275
Cameron County Office Benavides, Elizabeth elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Cameron County Office Cantu, Annett annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Camp County Office Harris, Sharon sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Canyon Laboratory (TVMDL) Alvarado, Jasmin jasmin.alvarado@tvmdl.tamu.edu 979-845-3414
Canyon Laboratory (TVMDL) Bond, Kara kara.bond@tvmdl.tamu.edu 979-845-3414
Canyon Laboratory (TVMDL) Brod, Jordan jordan.brod@tvmdl.tamu.edu 979-845-3414
Canyon Laboratory (TVMDL) Morris, Stacy stacy.morris@tvmdl.tamu.edu 979-845-3414
Canyon Laboratory (TVMDL) Pham, Thinh thinh.pham@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-0183
Canyon Laboratory (TVMDL) Rodman, Casey casey.rodman@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-0164
Capacity Building (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Capacity Building (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Capacity Building (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Carson County Office Bice, Linda linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Carson County Office Martin, Lori lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Cass County Office Harris, Sharon sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Castro County Office Coffman, Michelle michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Castro County Office Parnell, Ginger ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Center Poultry Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) Alvarado, Jasmin jasmin.alvarado@tvmdl.tamu.edu 979-845-3414
Center Poultry Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) Bond, Kara kara.bond@tvmdl.tamu.edu 979-845-3414
Center Poultry Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) Brod, Jordan jordan.brod@tvmdl.tamu.edu 979-845-3414
Center Poultry Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) Morris, Stacy stacy.morris@tvmdl.tamu.edu 979-845-3414
Center Poultry Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) Pham, Thinh thinh.pham@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-0183
Center Poultry Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) Rodman, Casey casey.rodman@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-0164
Central / West Texas Operations (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Central / West Texas Operations (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Central / West Texas Operations (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Chambers County Office DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
Chambers County Office Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
Cherokee County Office Cole, Judy judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Cherokee County Office Sensing, Michelle michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Cherokee County Office Walton, Carolyn carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Childress County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
Childress County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Childress County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Clay County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
Clay County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Clay County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Cochran County Office Coffman, Michelle michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Cochran County Office Parnell, Ginger ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Coke County Office Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
Coleman County Office Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Administration Fields, Sherilyn sherilyn.fields@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-3712
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Administration Kocmoud, Gaby gaby.kocmoud@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-3712
College Station Laboratory (TVMDL) Alvarado, Jasmin jasmin.alvarado@tvmdl.tamu.edu 979-845-3414
College Station Laboratory (TVMDL) Bond, Kara kara.bond@tvmdl.tamu.edu 979-845-3414
College Station Laboratory (TVMDL) Brod, Jordan jordan.brod@tvmdl.tamu.edu 979-845-3414
College Station Laboratory (TVMDL) Morris, Stacy stacy.morris@tvmdl.tamu.edu 979-845-3414
College Station Laboratory (TVMDL) Pham, Thinh thinh.pham@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-0183
College Station Laboratory (TVMDL) Rodman, Casey casey.rodman@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-0164
Collin County Office Harris, Sharon sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Collingsworth County Office Bice, Linda linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Collingsworth County Office Martin, Lori lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Colorado County Office Huff, Belle belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu 361-698-7400
Colorado County Office Mood, Sydney sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu 361-265-9203
Comal County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Comanche County Office Nivens, Heidi heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9433
Communications (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Communications (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Communications (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Concho County Office Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
Cooke County Office Harris, Sharon sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Cooperative Extension Program (CEP) LeNoir, Donna donna.lenoir@ag.tamu.edu 936-262-5178
Cooperative Extension Program (CEP) McCoy, Trissy trissy.mccoy@ag.tamu.edu 936-261-5125
Cooperative Extension Program (CEP) Srivastava, Ashwani ashwani.srivastava@ag.tamu.edu 936-261-5140
Cooperative Extension Program (CEP) Williams, Carolyn carolyn.williams@ag.tamu.edu 936-261-5122
Corporate Engagement and Research Support Morris, Jessica jessica.morris@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5659
Corporate Engagement and Research Support Muntean, Carl carl.muntean@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5651
Corpus Christi Research and Extension Center Cardwell, Cathy cathy.cardwell@ag.tamu.edu 361-265-9201
Corpus Christi Research and Extension Center Klock, Stephanie stephanie.klock@ag.tamu.edu 361-265-9203
Coryell County Office Nivens, Heidi heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9433
Cottle County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
Cottle County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Cottle County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Crane County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Crockett County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Crosby County Office Coffman, Michelle michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Crosby County Office Parnell, Ginger ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Culberson County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Dallam-Hartley County Office Bice, Linda linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Dallam-Hartley County Office Martin, Lori lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Dallas County EFNEP Atkinson, Jessica jessica.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5275
Dallas County Office DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
Dallas County Office Harris, Sharon sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Dallas County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Dallas County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Dallas County Office Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
Dallas Research and Extension Center Conrad, Jared jared.conrad@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Dallas Research and Extension Center Cubero, Susan susan.cubero@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Dallas Research and Extension Center Midkiff, Gretchen gretchen.midkiff@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Dawson County Office Coffman, Michelle michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Dawson County Office Parnell, Ginger ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Deaf Smith County Office Bice, Linda linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Deaf Smith County Office Martin, Lori lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Delta County Office Harris, Sharon sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Denton County Office Harris, Sharon sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
DeWitt County Office Huff, Belle belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu 361-698-7400
DeWitt County Office Mood, Sydney sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu 361-265-9203
Dickens County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
Dickens County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Dickens County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Dimmit County Office Benavides, Elizabeth elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Dimmit County Office Cantu, Annett annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Director's Office (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Director's Office (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Director's Office, AgriLife Research Bailey, Angela angela.bailey@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8197
Disaster, Assessment & Recovery (DAR) Leighton, Brayla brayla.leighton@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5255
District 01 Office - Panhandle Bice, Linda linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
District 01 Office - Panhandle Martin, Lori lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
District 02 Office - South Plains Coffman, Michelle michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
District 02 Office - South Plains Parnell, Ginger ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
District 03 Office - Rolling Plains Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
District 03 Office - Rolling Plains Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
District 03 Office - Rolling Plains Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
District 04 Office - North Harris, Sharon sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
District 05 Office - East Cole, Judy judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
District 05 Office - East Sensing, Michelle michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
District 05 Office - East Walton, Carolyn carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
District 06 Office - Far West Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
District 07 Office - West Central Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
District 08 Office - Central Nivens, Heidi heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9433
District 09 Office - Southeast DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
District 09 Office - Southeast Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
District 10 Office - Southwest Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
District 11 Office - Coastal Bend Huff, Belle belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu 361-698-7400
District 11 Office - Coastal Bend Mood, Sydney sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu 361-265-9203
District 12 Office - South Benavides, Elizabeth elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
District 12 Office - South Cantu, Annett annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Donley County Office Bice, Linda linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Donley County Office Martin, Lori lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Duval County Office Benavides, Elizabeth elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Duval County Office Cantu, Annett annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
East Texas Operations (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
East Texas Operations (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
East Texas Operations (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
East Texas Operations - Central Region (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
East Texas Operations - Central Region (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
East Texas Operations - Central Region (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
East Texas Operations - North Region (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
East Texas Operations - North Region (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
East Texas Operations - North Region (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
East Texas Operations- South Region (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
East Texas Operations- South Region (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
East Texas Operations- South Region (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Eastland County Office Nivens, Heidi heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9433
Ecology and Conservation Biology (ECCB) Miles, Dawn dawn.miles@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-3234
Ector County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Educational Development and Engagement (EDE) Perez, Ann ann.perez@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-1286
Educational Development and Engagement (EDE) Stolle, Alex alex.stolle@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5329
Edwards County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
El Paso County EFNEP Atkinson, Jessica jessica.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5275
El Paso County Office DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
El Paso County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
El Paso County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
El Paso County Office Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
El Paso Research and Extension Center Mendoza, Valerie valerie.mendoza@ag.tamu.edu 915-701-3044
El Paso Research and Extension Center Zhang, Dong dong.zhang@ag.tamu.edu 915-859-9111
Ellis County Office Nivens, Heidi heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9433
Emergency Operations Center (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Emergency Operations Center (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Emergency Operations Center (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Emergency Response Dispatch (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Emergency Response Dispatch (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Emergency Response Dispatch (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Employee Development (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Employee Development (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Entomology (ENTO) Fulton, Caitlin caitlin.fulton@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-2516
Entomology (ENTO) Gold, Teresa teresa.gold@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-2510
Entomology (ENTO) Livingston, LeeAnn leeann.livingston@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-2516
Erath County Office Nivens, Heidi heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9433
Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) Atkinson, Jessica jessica.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5275
Falls County Office Nivens, Heidi heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9433
Family and Community Health (FCH) Boehnke, Rose rose.boehnke@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5012
Family and Community Health (FCH) Mayer, Gabriela gabby.mayer@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5011
Fannin County Office Harris, Sharon sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Farm Services Atkinson, Taylor taylor.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5900
Farm Services Fazzino, Katherine katherine.fazzino@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5900
Farm Services McClosky, Beth beth.mcclosky@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5902
Farm Services Young, Judy judy.young@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-3041
Fayette County Office Huff, Belle belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu 361-698-7400
Fayette County Office Mood, Sydney sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu 361-265-9203
Fisher County Office Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
Floyd County Office Coffman, Michelle michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Floyd County Office Parnell, Ginger ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Foard County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
Foard County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Foard County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Food Science and Technology (FST) Howell-Colon, Brittany brittany.howell@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5388
Food Science and Technology (FST) Naufal, Lindsey lindsey.naufal@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5386
Forest Analytics (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Forest Analytics (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Forest Analytics (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Forest Economics & Resource Analysis (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Forest Economics & Resource Analysis (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Forest Economics & Resource Analysis (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Forest Health, Stewardship, Water Resources (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Forest Health, Stewardship, Water Resources (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Forest Health, Stewardship, Water Resources (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Forest Inventory & Analysis (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Forest Inventory & Analysis (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Forest Inventory & Analysis (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Forest Systems (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Forest Systems (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Forest Systems (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Fort Bend County Office DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
Fort Bend County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Fort Bend County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Fort Bend County Office Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
Franklin County Office Harris, Sharon sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Freestone County Office Nivens, Heidi heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9433
Frio County Office Benavides, Elizabeth elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Frio County Office Cantu, Annett annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Gaines County Office Coffman, Michelle michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Gaines County Office Parnell, Ginger ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Galveston County Office DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
Galveston County Office Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
Garza County Office Coffman, Michelle michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Garza County Office Parnell, Ginger ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Genomics and Bioinformatics Services Childers, Shana shana.childers@ag.tamu.edu 979-862-3262
Geospatial Services (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Geospatial Services (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Geospatial Services (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Gillespie County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Glasscock County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Goliad County Office Huff, Belle belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu 361-698-7400
Goliad County Office Mood, Sydney sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu 361-265-9203
Gonzales County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Gonzales Poultry Laboratory (TVMDL) Alvarado, Jasmin jasmin.alvarado@tvmdl.tamu.edu 979-845-3414
Gonzales Poultry Laboratory (TVMDL) Bond, Kara kara.bond@tvmdl.tamu.edu 979-845-3414
Gonzales Poultry Laboratory (TVMDL) Brod, Jordan jordan.brod@tvmdl.tamu.edu 979-845-3414
Gonzales Poultry Laboratory (TVMDL) Morris, Stacy stacy.morris@tvmdl.tamu.edu 979-845-3414
Gonzales Poultry Laboratory (TVMDL) Pham, Thinh thinh.pham@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-0183
Gonzales Poultry Laboratory (TVMDL) Rodman, Casey casey.rodman@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-0164
Gray County Office Bice, Linda linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Gray County Office Martin, Lori lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Grayson County Office Harris, Sharon sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Gregg County Office Cole, Judy judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Gregg County Office Sensing, Michelle michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Gregg County Office Walton, Carolyn carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Grimes County Office DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
Grimes County Office Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
Guadalupe County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Hale County Office Coffman, Michelle michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Hale County Office Parnell, Ginger ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Hall County Office Bice, Linda linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Hall County Office Martin, Lori lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Hamilton County Office Nivens, Heidi heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9433
Hansford County Office Bice, Linda linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Hansford County Office Martin, Lori lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Hardeman County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
Hardeman County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Hardeman County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Hardin County Office DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
Hardin County Office Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
Harris County EFNEP Atkinson, Jessica jessica.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5275
Harris County Office DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
Harris County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Harris County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Harris County Office Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
Harrison County Office Cole, Judy judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Harrison County Office Sensing, Michelle michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Harrison County Office Walton, Carolyn carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Haskell County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
Haskell County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Haskell County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Hays County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Healthy Texas Hines, Shannon shannon.hines@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-0508
Healthy Texas Hohlt, Rusty rusty.hohlt@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-0574
Hemphill County Office Bice, Linda linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Hemphill County Office Martin, Lori lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Henderson County Office Cole, Judy judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Henderson County Office Sensing, Michelle michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Henderson County Office Walton, Carolyn carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Hidalgo County EFNEP Atkinson, Jessica jessica.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5275
Hidalgo County Office Benavides, Elizabeth elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Hidalgo County Office Cantu, Annett annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Hill County Office Nivens, Heidi heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9433
Hockley County Office Coffman, Michelle michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Hockley County Office Parnell, Ginger ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Hood County Office Nivens, Heidi heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9433
Hopkins County Office Harris, Sharon sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Horticultural Sciences (HORT) Ray, Amanda amanda.ray@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-7001
Hospitality, Hotel Management and Tourism (HMGT) Barnes, Deborah deborah.barnes@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8056
Hospitality, Hotel Management and Tourism (HMGT) Crawford, Deanna deanna.crawford@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-3271
Houston County Office Cole, Judy judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Houston County Office Sensing, Michelle michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Houston County Office Walton, Carolyn carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Howard County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Hudspeth County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Hunt County Office Harris, Sharon sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Hutchinson County Office Bice, Linda linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Hutchinson County Office Martin, Lori lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Idalou - West Texas Nursery (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Idalou - West Texas Nursery (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Idalou - West Texas Nursery (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Incident Response (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Incident Response (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Incident Response - Central Branch (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Incident Response - Central Branch (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Incident Response - East Branch (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Incident Response - East Branch (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Incident Response - East Branch (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Incident Response - North Branch (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Incident Response - North Branch (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Incident Response - Northwest Branch (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Incident Response - Northwest Branch (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Incident Response - Northwest Branch (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Incident Response - Panhandle Branch (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Incident Response - Panhandle Branch (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Incident Response - South Branch (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Incident Response - South Branch (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Incident Response - South Central Branch (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Incident Response - South Central Branch (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Incident Response - West Branch (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Incident Response - West Branch (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Incident Response Administration (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Incident Response Administration (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Incident Response Logistics (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Incident Response Logistics (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Information Resources (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Information Resources (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Information Resources (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Institute for Advancing Health Through Agriculture (IHA) Charanza, Courtney courtney.charanza@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-3280
Institute for Advancing Health Through Agriculture (IHA) Reeder, Arin arin.reeder@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-3407
Institute for Infectious Animal Diseases (IIAD) Peterson, Laura laura.peterson@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-1350
Institute for Infectious Animal Diseases (IIAD) Whisenant, Rachel rachel.whisenant@ag.tamu.edu 979-458-2310
Irion County Office Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
Jack County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
Jack County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Jack County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Jackson County Office Huff, Belle belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu 361-698-7400
Jackson County Office Mood, Sydney sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu 361-265-9203
Jasper County Office Cole, Judy judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Jasper County Office Sensing, Michelle michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Jasper County Office Walton, Carolyn carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Jefferson County Office DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
Jefferson County Office Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
Jim Hogg County Office Benavides, Elizabeth elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Jim Hogg County Office Cantu, Annett annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Jim Wells County Office Benavides, Elizabeth elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Jim Wells County Office Cantu, Annett annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Johnson County Office Nivens, Heidi heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9433
Jones County Office Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
Karnes County Office Huff, Belle belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu 361-698-7400
Karnes County Office Mood, Sydney sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu 361-265-9203
Kaufman County Office Harris, Sharon sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Kendall County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Kent County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
Kent County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Kent County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Kerr County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Kimble County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
King County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
King County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
King County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Kinney County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Kleberg-Kenedy County Office Benavides, Elizabeth elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Kleberg-Kenedy County Office Cantu, Annett annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Knox County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
Knox County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Knox County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
La Salle County Office Benavides, Elizabeth elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
La Salle County Office Cantu, Annett annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Lamar County Office Harris, Sharon sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Lamb County Office Coffman, Michelle michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Lamb County Office Parnell, Ginger ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Lampasas County Office Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
Large Animal Clinical Sciences Clark, Jessica jjclark@tamu.edu 979-845-5051
Large Animal Clinical Sciences Grange, Stacie sgrange@tamu.edu 979-845-5051
Large Animal Clinical Sciences Hughson, Jill jill.hughson@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-0134
Large Animal Clinical Sciences South, Gina gina.south@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-7879
Large Animal Clinical Sciences Veals, Yolanda yveals@tamu.edu 979-845-5051
Lavaca County Office Huff, Belle belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu 361-698-7400
Lavaca County Office Mood, Sydney sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu 361-265-9203
Law Enforcement (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Law Enforcement (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Law Enforcement (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Lee County Office DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
Lee County Office Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
Leon County Office Nivens, Heidi heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9433
Liberty County Office DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
Liberty County Office Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
Limestone County Office Nivens, Heidi heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9433
Lipscomb County Office Bice, Linda linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Lipscomb County Office Martin, Lori lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Live Oak County Office Benavides, Elizabeth elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Live Oak County Office Cantu, Annett annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Llano County Office Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
Lubbock County Office Coffman, Michelle michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Lubbock County Office Parnell, Ginger ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Lubbock Research and Extension Center Pointer, David david.pointer@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-0195
Lubbock Research and Extension Center Rodriguez, Robyn robyn.rodriguez@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Lynn County Office Coffman, Michelle michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Lynn County Office Parnell, Ginger ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Madison County Office DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
Madison County Office Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
Marion County Office Cole, Judy judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Marion County Office Sensing, Michelle michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Marion County Office Walton, Carolyn carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Martin County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Mason County Office Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
Matagorda County Office Huff, Belle belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu 361-698-7400
Matagorda County Office Mood, Sydney sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu 361-265-9203
Maverick County Office Benavides, Elizabeth elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Maverick County Office Cantu, Annett annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
McCulloch County Office Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
McGregor Research Center Carwile, Amy amy.carwile@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-7524
McGregor Research Center Dowell, Priscilla priscilla.dowell@ag.tamu.edu 254-840-2878
McLennan County Office Nivens, Heidi heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9433
McMullen County Office Benavides, Elizabeth elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
McMullen County Office Cantu, Annett annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Medina County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Menard County Office Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
Midland County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Milam County Office Nivens, Heidi heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9433
Mills County Office Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
Mitchell County Office Coffman, Michelle michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Mitchell County Office Parnell, Ginger ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Mitigation And Prevention (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Mitigation And Prevention (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Mitigation And Prevention (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Montague County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
Montague County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Montague County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Montgomery County Office DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
Montgomery County Office Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
Moore County Office Bice, Linda linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Moore County Office Martin, Lori lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Morris County Office Harris, Sharon sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Motley County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
Motley County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Motley County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Nacogdoches County Office Cole, Judy judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Nacogdoches County Office Sensing, Michelle michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Nacogdoches County Office Walton, Carolyn carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Navarro County Office Nivens, Heidi heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9433
Newton County Office Cole, Judy judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Newton County Office Sensing, Michelle michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Newton County Office Walton, Carolyn carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Nolan County Office Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
Nueces County EFNEP Atkinson, Jessica jessica.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5275
Nueces County Office Huff, Belle belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu 361-698-7400
Nueces County Office Mood, Sydney sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu 361-265-9203
Nutrition (NUTR) Joshi, Riddhi riddhi.joshi@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-2142
Nutrition (NUTR) Mendoza, Valerie valerie.mendoza@ag.tamu.edu 915-701-3044
Nutrition (NUTR) Paez Colasante, Ximena ximena.paezcolasante@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-7060
Nutrition (NUTR) Stott, Jessica jessica.stott@ag.tamu.edu 915-701-3099
Ochiltree County Office Bice, Linda linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Ochiltree County Office Martin, Lori lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Office of Data and Accountability Wood, Sydney sydney.wood@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-5352
Office of the State Chemist Manandhar, Arun arun@otsc.tamu.edu 979-845-1121
Office of the Vice Chancellor Conchola, Annette annette.conchola@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8003
Oldham County Office Bice, Linda linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Oldham County Office Martin, Lori lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Orange County Office DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
Orange County Office Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
Organizational Development Payne, Michelle marian.payne@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5750
Overton Research and Extension Center Welch, Sandra sandra.welch@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Palo Pinto County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
Palo Pinto County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Palo Pinto County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Panola County Office Cole, Judy judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Panola County Office Sensing, Michelle michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Panola County Office Walton, Carolyn carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Parker County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
Parker County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Parker County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Parmer County Office Coffman, Michelle michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Parmer County Office Parnell, Ginger ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Payroll and Support Services (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Payroll and Support Services (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Payroll and Support Services (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Pecos County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Pecos Station Pointer, David david.pointer@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-0195
Pecos Station Rodriguez, Robyn robyn.rodriguez@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Planning And Preparedness (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Planning And Preparedness (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Plant Pathology and Microbiology (PLPM) Hughson, Jill jill.hughson@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-0134
Plant Pathology and Microbiology (PLPM) McCallum, Krista krista.mccallum@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-7311
Plant Pathology and Microbiology (PLPM) Svajda, Cooper cooper.svajda@ag.tamu.edu 979-458-6376
Polk County Office Cole, Judy judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Polk County Office Sensing, Michelle michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Polk County Office Walton, Carolyn carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Potter County Office Bice, Linda linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Potter County Office Martin, Lori lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Poultry Science (POSC) Bienski, Lori lori.bienski@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-1932
Predictive Services (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Predictive Services (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Presidio County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Purchasing (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Purchasing (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Rains County Office Harris, Sharon sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Randall County Office Bice, Linda linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Randall County Office Martin, Lori lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Rangeland Wildlife and Fisheries Management (RWFM) Nemec, Theresa theresa.nemec@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8475
Reagan County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Real County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Red River County Office Harris, Sharon sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Reeves County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Refugio County Office Huff, Belle belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu 361-698-7400
Refugio County Office Mood, Sydney sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu 361-265-9203
Roberts County Office Bice, Linda linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Roberts County Office Martin, Lori lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Robertson County Office Nivens, Heidi heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9433
Rockwall County Office Harris, Sharon sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Runnels County Office Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
Rusk County Office Cole, Judy judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Rusk County Office Sensing, Michelle michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Rusk County Office Walton, Carolyn carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Sabine County Office Cole, Judy judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Sabine County Office Sensing, Michelle michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Sabine County Office Walton, Carolyn carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
San Angelo Research and Extension Center Kvapil, Audrey audrey.kvapil@ag.tamu.edu 325-653-4576
San Augustine County Office Cole, Judy judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
San Augustine County Office Sensing, Michelle michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
San Augustine County Office Walton, Carolyn carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
San Jacinto County Office DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
San Jacinto County Office Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
San Patricio County Office Huff, Belle belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu 361-698-7400
San Patricio County Office Mood, Sydney sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu 361-265-9203
San Saba County Office Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
Schleicher County Office Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
Scurry County Office Coffman, Michelle michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Scurry County Office Parnell, Ginger ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Shackelford County Office Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
Shelby County Office Cole, Judy judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Shelby County Office Sensing, Michelle michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Shelby County Office Walton, Carolyn carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Sherman County Office Bice, Linda linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Sherman County Office Martin, Lori lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Siviculture (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Siviculture (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Siviculture (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Smith County Office Cole, Judy judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Smith County Office Sensing, Michelle michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Smith County Office Walton, Carolyn carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Soil and Crop Sciences (SCSC) Atkinson, Taylor taylor.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5900
Soil and Crop Sciences (SCSC) Fazzino, Katherine katherine.fazzino@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5900
Soil and Crop Sciences (SCSC) McClosky, Beth beth.mcclosky@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5902
Soil and Crop Sciences (SCSC) Young, Judy judy.young@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-3041
Somervell County Office Nivens, Heidi heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9433
Sonora Research Station Kvapil, Audrey audrey.kvapil@ag.tamu.edu 325-653-4576
Starr County Office Benavides, Elizabeth elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Starr County Office Cantu, Annett annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Stephens County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
Stephens County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Stephens County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Stephenville Research and Extension Center Moravec, Rachel rachel.moravec@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9427
Stephenville Research and Extension Center Nivens, Heidi heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9433
Stephenville Research and Extension Center Thetford, Sara sara.thetford@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9425
Sterling County Office Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
Stonewall County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
Stonewall County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Stonewall County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Sutton County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Swisher County Office Coffman, Michelle michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Swisher County Office Parnell, Ginger ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Tarrant County EFNEP Atkinson, Jessica jessica.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5275
Tarrant County Office DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
Tarrant County Office Harris, Sharon sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Tarrant County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Tarrant County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Tarrant County Office Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
Taylor County Office Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
Temple Research and Extension Center Wimberley, Joyce joyce.wimberley@ag.tamu.edu 254-774-6006
Temple Research and Extension Center Zavodny, Abbeye abbeye.zavodny@ag.tamu.edu 254-774-6038
Terrell County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Terry County Office Coffman, Michelle michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Terry County Office Parnell, Ginger ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Texas 4-H Conference Center Cross, Dana dana.cross@ag.tamu.edu 325-784-5482
Texas 4-H Conference Center LeTourneau, Taylor taylor.letourneau@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5294
Texas A&M Institute for Genomic Medicine King, Stephanie sking@tigm.org 979-458-4128
Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute Chernosky, Vicki vicki.chernosky@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-1851
Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute Johnson, Rosemary rosemary.johnson@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-3982
Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute Law, Laura laura.law@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-3658
Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) Alvarado, Jasmin jasmin.alvarado@tvmdl.tamu.edu 979-845-3414
Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) Bond, Kara kara.bond@tvmdl.tamu.edu 979-845-3414
Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) Brod, Jordan jordan.brod@tvmdl.tamu.edu 979-845-3414
Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) Morris, Stacy stacy.morris@tvmdl.tamu.edu 979-845-3414
Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) Pham, Thinh thinh.pham@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-0183
Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) Rodman, Casey casey.rodman@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-0164
Texas Agricultural Lifetime Leadership Program (TALL) Martinez, Jennifer jennifer.martinez@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-1554
Texas Community Watershed Partners (TCWP) Cain, Julie julie.cain@ag.tamu.edu 281-218-0570
Texas Foundation Seed Service Atnip, Anastasia anastasia.atnip@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3897
Texas Foundation Seed Service Jones, David david.jones@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Texas Water Resources Institute (TWRI) Fernandez, Christine christine.fernandez@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-2870
Texas Water Resources Institute (TWRI) Kalisek, Danielle danielle.kalisek@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-2693
Throckmorton County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
Throckmorton County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Throckmorton County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Titus County Office Harris, Sharon sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Tom Green County Office Michalewicz, Kerri kerri.michalewicz@ag.tamu.edu 325-657-7312
Travis County EFNEP Atkinson, Jessica jessica.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5275
Travis County Office DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
Travis County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Travis County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Travis County Office Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
Trinity County Office Cole, Judy judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Trinity County Office Sensing, Michelle michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Trinity County Office Walton, Carolyn carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Tyler County Office Cole, Judy judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Tyler County Office Sensing, Michelle michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Tyler County Office Walton, Carolyn carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Upshur County Office Cole, Judy judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Upshur County Office Sensing, Michelle michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Upshur County Office Walton, Carolyn carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Upton County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Urban & Community Forestry (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Urban & Community Forestry (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Urban & Community Forestry (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Urban Program DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
Urban Program Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Urban Program Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Urban Program Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
Uvalde County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Uvalde Research and Extension Center Figueroa Pagan, Manuel manuel.figueroapagan@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6134
Uvalde Research and Extension Center Thompson, Christine christine.thompson@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6125
V.G. Young Institute of County Government Hejl, Natalie natalie.hejl@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-4572
Val Verde County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Van Zandt County Office Harris, Sharon sharon.harris@ag.tamu.edu 972-231-5362
Vernon Research and Extension Center Atnip, Anastasia anastasia.atnip@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3897
Vernon Research and Extension Center Jones, David david.jones@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Veterinary Integrative Biosciences Clark, Jessica jjclark@tamu.edu 979-845-5051
Veterinary Integrative Biosciences Grange, Stacie sgrange@tamu.edu 979-845-5051
Veterinary Integrative Biosciences Hughson, Jill jill.hughson@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-0134
Veterinary Integrative Biosciences South, Gina gina.south@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-7879
Veterinary Integrative Biosciences Veals, Yolanda yveals@tamu.edu 979-845-5051
Veterinary Pathobiology Clark, Jessica jjclark@tamu.edu 979-845-5051
Veterinary Pathobiology Grange, Stacie sgrange@tamu.edu 979-845-5051
Veterinary Pathobiology Hughson, Jill jill.hughson@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-0134
Veterinary Pathobiology South, Gina gina.south@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-7879
Veterinary Pathobiology Veals, Yolanda yveals@tamu.edu 979-845-5051
Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology Clark, Jessica jjclark@tamu.edu 979-845-5051
Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology Grange, Stacie sgrange@tamu.edu 979-845-5051
Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology Hughson, Jill jill.hughson@ag.tamu.edu 979-803-0134
Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology South, Gina gina.south@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-7879
Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology Veals, Yolanda yveals@tamu.edu 979-845-5051
Victoria County Office Huff, Belle belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu 361-698-7400
Victoria County Office Mood, Sydney sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu 361-265-9203
Walker County Office DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
Walker County Office Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
Waller County Office DeStefano, Nicole nicole.destefano@ag.tamu.edu 979-845-6800
Waller County Office Schultz, Sandra sandra.schultz@ag.tamu.edu 979-314-8208
Ward County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Washington County Office Huff, Belle belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu 361-698-7400
Washington County Office Mood, Sydney sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu 361-265-9203
Webb County Office Benavides, Elizabeth elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Webb County Office Cantu, Annett annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Weslaco Research and Extension Center Casas, Candi candi.casas@ag.tamu.edu 956-969-5627
Weslaco Research and Extension Center Griesemer, Julissa julissa.griesemer@ag.tamu.edu 956-969-5613
Western Gulf Tree Improvement Program (TFS) Dudo, Justin jdudo@tfs.tamu.edu 979-845-1770
Western Gulf Tree Improvement Program (TFS) Mattert, Krista krista.mattert@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5701
Western Gulf Tree Improvement Program (TFS) Tutt, Josh josh.tutt@tfs.tamu.edu 979-458-7309
Wharton County Office Huff, Belle belle.huff@ag.tamu.edu 361-698-7400
Wharton County Office Mood, Sydney sydney.mood@ag.tamu.edu 361-265-9203
Wheeler County Office Bice, Linda linda.bice@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Wheeler County Office Martin, Lori lori.martin@ag.tamu.edu 806-677-5600
Wichita County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
Wichita County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Wichita County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Wilbarger County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
Wilbarger County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Wilbarger County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Wildlife Services Amador, Jaime jaime.h.amador@usda.gov 210-561-3810
Wildlife Services Chairez, Gina gina.d.chairez@usda.gov 210-561-3813
Willacy County EFNEP Atkinson, Jessica jessica.atkinson@ag.tamu.edu 979-321-5275
Willacy County Office Benavides, Elizabeth elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Willacy County Office Cantu, Annett annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Williamson County Office Nivens, Heidi heidi.nivens@ag.tamu.edu 254-974-9433
Wilson County Office Melchor, Rosy rosy.melchor@ag.tamu.edu 830-988-6154
Winkler-Loving County Office Schoenfeldt, Staci staci.schoenfeldt@ag.tamu.edu 432-336-8585
Wise County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
Wise County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Wise County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Wood County Office Cole, Judy judy.cole@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Wood County Office Sensing, Michelle michelle.sensing@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Wood County Office Walton, Carolyn carolyn.walton@ag.tamu.edu 903-834-6191
Yoakum County Office Coffman, Michelle michelle.coffman@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Yoakum County Office Parnell, Ginger ginger.parnell@ag.tamu.edu 806-746-6101
Young County Office Coop, Lorrie lorrie.coop@ag.tamu.edu 940-647-3893
Young County Office Lora, Ana ana.lora@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Young County Office Sims, Cynthia cynthia.sims@ag.tamu.edu 940-552-9941
Zapata County Office Benavides, Elizabeth elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Zapata County Office Cantu, Annett annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Zavala County Office Benavides, Elizabeth elizabeth.garcia@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581
Zavala County Office Cantu, Annett annett.cantu@ag.tamu.edu 956-968-5581