Texas A&M AgriLife Research

Texas A&M AgriLife Research

Texas A&M AgriLife Research is the state's premier research and technology development agency in agriculture, natural resources, and the life sciences. The agency has 550 doctoral-level scientists spanning many disciplines, from genetics and genomics to air and water quality. Through collaborations with other institutions and agencies, commodity groups, and private industry, AgriLife Research is helping to strengthen the state's position in the global marketplace by meeting modern challenges through innovative solutions.

Unit Name Contact Location
4-H Youth Development


979-845-1211 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845
Administrative Services


979-845-7879 (p)

578 John Kimbrough Blvd.
College Station, TX 77843-2147
Agricultural and Environmental Safety

979-845-3849 (p)

979-845-6251 (f)

Agronomy Field Lab, Room 101
College Station, TX 77843
Agricultural Economics (AGEC)

979-845-2116 (p)

600 John Kimbrough Blvd.
Agricultural And Life Sciences Building
College Station, TX 77843-2124
Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication (ALEC)


979-321-5725 (p)

Agriculture and Life Sciences Building - AGLS
2nd Floor
College Station, TX 77843-2116
Amarillo Research and Extension Center

806-677-5600 (p)

806-677-5644 (f)

6500 Amarillo Blvd West
Amarillo, TX 79106
Beaumont Research Center

409-752-2741 (p)

1509 Aggie Drive
Beaumont, TX 77713
Biochemistry and Biophysics (BCBP)


979-845-5032 (p)

979-862-7269 (f)

300 Olsen Blvd.
Building #1507, Rm. 103
College Station, TX 77843-2128
Biological and Agricultural Engineering (BAEN)


979-314-8220 (p)

979-862-3442 (f)

Scoates Hall, Room 201
College Station, TX 77843
Borlaug Institute of International Agriculture

979-845-4164 (p)

578 John Kimbrough Blvd
Suite 201
College Station, TX 77843-2477
Corporate Engagement and Research Support


979-862-2137 (p)

1500 Research Parkway, Suite 100
Centeq Building A
College Station, TX 77843
Corpus Christi Research and Extension Center

361-265-9201 (p)

361-265-9434 (f)

10345 State Hwy 44
Corpus Christi, TX 78406-1412
Dallas Research and Extension Center

972-231-5362 (p)

17360 Coit Road
Dallas, TX 75252
Director's Office, AgriLife Research

979-845-8486 (p)

979-458-4765 (f)

600 John Kimbrough Boulevard
Suite 512
College Station, TX 77843-2142
District 02 Office - South Plains

806-746-6101 (p)

806-723-8499 (f)

1102 E. Drew Street
Lubbock, TX 79403-6653
Ecology and Conservation Biology (ECCB)


979-314-3234 (p)

979-845-3786 (f)

534 John Kimbrough Blvd
College Station, TX 77843-2258
El Paso Research and Extension Center

915-859-9111 (p)

915-859-1078 (f)

1380 A&M Circle
El Paso, TX 79927-5020
Entomology (ENTO)


979-845-2516 (p)

979-845-6305 (f)

Heep Center, Room 412
College Station, TX 77843-2475
Environmental Health and Safety


979-862-4038 (p)

979-845-1348 (f)

1111 Research Parkway
Suite 220
College Station, TX 77843-4472
Genomics and Bioinformatics Services


979-862-3262 (p)

Genomics & Bioinformatics Service
1500 Research PKWY, Suite 250
College Station, TX 77845
Horticultural Sciences (HORT)

979-845-5341 (p)

Horticulture Forest Science Bldg, Room 202
College Station, TX 77843-2133
Hospitality, Hotel Management and Tourism (HMGT)

979-314-8150 (p)

979-845-0446 (f)

600 John Kimbrough Blvd, Suite 415
College Station, TX 77843
Institute for Advancing Health Through Agriculture (IHA)

979-314-3280 (p)

979-845-2704 (f)

498 Olsen Blvd
Borlaug Building
College Station, TX 77843
Institute for Infectious Animal Diseases (IIAD)


979-845-1350 (p)

979-845-5663 (f)

578 John Kimbrough Blvd
Suite 201
College Station, TX 77843-2129
Lubbock Research and Extension Center

806-746-6101 (p)

806-746-6528 (f)

1102 E. Drew Street
Lubbock, TX 79403-6603
Nutrition and Food Science

979-845-2142 (p)

979-458-3129 (f)

Cater-Mattil Hall, Rm 130
College Station, TX 77843
Office of the State Chemist


979-845-1121 (p)

979-845-1389 (f)

445 Agronomy Road
College Station, TX 77843-2114
Overton Research and Extension Center

903-834-6191 (p)

903-834-7140 (f)

1710 N. FM 3053
Overton, TX 75684
Plant Pathology and Microbiology (PLPM)

979-845-7311 (p)

496 Olsen Blvd.
College Station, TX 77843
Poultry Science (POSC)


979-845-1931 (p)

979-845-1921 (f)

Kleberg Center, Room 101
474 Olsen Blvd
College Station, TX 77843
Rangeland Wildlife and Fisheries Management (RWFM)

979-314-8451 (p)

495 Horticulture Road
College Station, TX 77843-2138
San Angelo Research and Extension Center


325-653-4576 (p)

325-658-4364 (f)

7887 U.S. Highway 87 North
San Angelo, TX 76901
Soil and Crop Sciences (SCSC)

979-321-5900 (p)

979-845-0456 (f)

Heep Center, Room 434
370 Olsen Blvd.
College Station, TX 77843
Stephenville Research and Extension Center


254-968-4144 (p)

254-965-3759 (f)

1229 N. US Hwy 281
Stephenville, TX 76401
Temple Research and Extension Center


254-774-6000 (p)

254-774-6001 (f)

720 East Blackland Road
Temple, TX 76502
Texas A&M Institute for Genomic Medicine


979-458-4128 (p)

979-458-5559 (f)

670 Raymond Stotzer Pkwy
College Station, TX 77843-4485
Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute


979-845-1851 (p)

979-845-0662 (f)

1001 Holleman Drive East
College Station, TX 77840
Texas Foundation Seed Service

940-552-6226 (p)

940-552-5524 (f)

11914 Highway 70 S
Vernon, TX 76384
Texas Water Resources Institute (TWRI)


979-314-2824 (p)

1001 Holleman Dr E
College Station, TX 77840
Uvalde Research and Extension Center

830-278-9151 (p)

830-278-1570 (f)

1619 Garner Field Road
Uvalde, TX 78801
Vernon Research and Extension Center

940-552-9941 (p)

940-552-2317 (f)

11708 Highway 70 South
Vernon, TX 76384
Weslaco Research and Extension Center


956-968-5585 (p)

956-969-5620 (f)

2415 E. Hwy 83
Weslaco, TX 78596