4-H Youth Development

Email Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Physical Location:
1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845
Mailing Address:
Texas A&M University
2473 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-2473


Unit Name Contact Location
Texas 4-H Conference Center


325-784-5482 (p)

325-784-6486 (f)

5600 FM 3021
Brownwood, TX 76801


Name Position Contact Location

Anderson, Whitley

Student Technician

4-H and Youth Development


979-321-5349 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Barrett, Jana

Extension Program Specialist - I

4-H and Youth Development; Extension Specialist


979-321-5287 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
Richard & Patsy Wallrath South Campus - AgriLife Extension Bldg
College Station, TX 77843-2473

Behm, Shelby

Extension Program Specialist

4-H and Youth Development; Program Specialist


979-458-8770 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Bell, Travis

Extension Program Specialist - I

4-H and Youth Development; Extension Specialist; Program Specialist


325-657-7315 (p)

325-655-7791 (f)

7887 US Highway 87 N
San Angelo, TX 76901-9714

Bezner, Kirsten

Student Technician


979-845-1211 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Boggess, Jamie

Student Worker I

4-H and Youth Development


979-321-5328 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Branham, Garry

Extension Program Specialist II

4-H and Youth Development; Extension Specialist; Program Specialist


325-653-4576 (p)

325-655-7791 (f)

7887 US Highway 87 N
San Angelo, TX 76901-9714

Bruton, Derrick

Extension Program Specialist III

4-H and Youth Development; Program Specialist


972-952-9264 (p)

972-952-9227 (f)

17360 Coit Road
Dallas, TX 75252-6502

Bryant, Tina

Extension Program Specialist - I

4-H and Youth Development; Extension Specialist; Program Specialist


806-677-5624 (p)

6500 Amarillo Blvd West
Amarillo, TX 79106-1796

Callis, Dwight

Program Aide


979-845-1211 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Cathey, Misty

Specializations: 4HONLINE

Program Manager P12

4-H and Youth Development; Support Staff


979-321-5297 (p)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77843-2473

Cervantes, Natalie

Extension Program Specialist - I

4-H and Youth Development; Extension Specialist; Program Specialist


830-988-6149 (p)

830-278-4008 (f)

1619 Garner Field Road
Uvalde, TX 78801

Chandler, Galen

Program Aide


979-845-1211 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Clayton, Gary

Program Aide


979-845-1211 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Cline, Callie

Extension Program Specialist II

4-H and Youth Development


979-321-5286 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
AgriLife Extension South Campus
College Station, TX 77843-2473

Cook, Connor

Student Extension Assistant (Plant Pathology and Microbiology (PLPM))

Student Technician

4-H and Youth Development


979-314-1485 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Cowley, Sunny

Student Technician

4-H and Youth Development


979-321-5327 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Craddock, Billy

Specializations: Goat, Sheep, Youth, Youth Development Training, Youth Life Skills

Program Aide


979-845-1211 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Dorsey, Elizabeth

Student Technician

4-H and Youth Development


979-321-5296 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Duet, Megan

Specializations: 4-H And Youth Development, Citizenship, Leadership, Youth, Youth Development

Extension Program Specialist - II

4-H and Youth Development; Program Specialist


830-988-6146 (p)

1470 William D. Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Faris, Preston

Program Aide


979-845-1211 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Flanagan, Shane

Student Technician

4-H and Youth Development


979-321-5359 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Flores, Juan

Program Aide


979-845-1211 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Fohn, Avery

Student Technician

4-H and Youth Development


979-845-1213 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Gardner, Julie

Specializations: 4-H And Youth Development, Food And Nutrition, Youth Education, Youth Health

Extension Program Specialist - III

4-H and Youth Development; Extension Specialist


979-321-5332 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Gardner, Stephen

Program Aide


979-845-1211 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Goebel, Dottie

Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist - 4-H Youth Development Agricultural Learning Strategies

4-H and Youth Development


979-321-5326 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
AgriLife Extension South Campus
College Station, TX 77843-2473

Gonzalez, Arnulfo

Extension Program Specialist - I

4-H and Youth Development; Extension Specialist


979-321-5292 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Hall, Seth

Extension Program Specialist I

4-H and Youth Development


940-552-9941 (p)

940-553-4657 (f)

11708 Highway 70 South
Vernon, TX 76384

Huebinger, Laura

Specializations: Volunteer Development

Senior Extension Program Specialist

4-H and Youth Development


254-974-9027 (p)

254-965-3759 (f)

1225 N US Hwy 281
Stephenville, TX 76401-8992

Hundl, Cory

Extension Program Specialist - II

4-H and Youth Development; Extension Specialist; Program Specialist

Program Specialist - 4-H and Youth Development (District 09 Office - Southeast)

4-H and Youth Development; Program Specialist


979-321-5262 (p)

979-845-6501 (f)

Richard & Patsy Wallrath AgriLife Extension South Campus Building
1470 William D. Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77843-2150

Hysmith, Larry

Extension Program Specialist I

4-H and Youth Development; Program Specialist


979-321-5293 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
AgriLife Extension South Campus
College Station, TX 77843-2473

James, Laura

Student Technician

4-H and Youth Development


979-321-5327 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Jones, Gregory

Program Aide


979-845-1211 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Kabli, Alex

Extension Program Specialist - I

4-H and Youth Development; Extension Specialist; Program Specialist


979-321-5298 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

LeTourneau, Taylor

Business Administrator II

4-H and Youth Development


979-321-5294 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Luna-Torres, Maria

Project Director

4-H and Youth Development


979-321-5289 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
2473 Tamu
College Station, TX 77843-2473

Markley, Jill

Business Coordinator II


979-314-0575 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Marshall, Grace

Extension Program Specialist - I

4-H and Youth Development; Extension Specialist; Program Specialist


956-968-5581 (p)

956-969-5639 (f)

2401 E Highway 83
Weslaco, TX 78596

McClellen, JT

Extension Program Specialist - I

4-H and Youth Development; Extension Specialist; Program Specialist


361-265-9203 (p)

361-265-9434 (f)

10345 Hwy 44
Corpus Christi, TX 78406

McCorkle, Angela

Extension Program Specialist III

4-H and Youth Development


979-321-5014 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

McDougal, James

Program Aide


979-845-1211 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

McSwain, Jheri-Lynn

Extension Program Specialist II

4-H and Youth Development


903-834-6191 (p)

903-834-7140 (f)

1710 N Highway 3053
Overton, TX 75684

Moran, Madison

Student Technician

4-H and Youth Development


979-321-5379 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Pennington, Sydney

Senior Administrative Coordinator I, Texas 4-H Foundation

4-H and Youth Development


979-845-1213 (p)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Perez, Larry

Extension Program Specialist I

4-H and Youth Development; Extension Specialist


979-321-5295 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
AgriLife Extension South Campus
College Station, TX 77843-2473

Phillips, Terry

Program Aide


979-845-1211 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Poncik, Mackenzie

Student Technician

4-H and Youth Development


979-321-5375 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Ranly, Kelley

Extension Program Specialist - I

4-H and Youth Development


979-321-5327 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
AgriLife Extension South Campus
College Station, TX 77843-2473

Richey, Roy

Program Aide


979-845-1211 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Rios, Devyn

Student Technician

4-H and Youth Development


979-314-2354 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Rodriguez, Alisia

Extension Program Specialist - I

4-H and Youth Development


979-321-5291 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Schooler, Emily

Student Technician

4-H and Youth Development


979-314-1485 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Shackelford, Michael

Program Aide


979-845-1211 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Shaffer, Megan

Extension Program Specialist II

4-H and Youth Development


254-968-4144 (p)

254-965-3759 (f)

1229 N. US Hwy 281
Stephenville, TX 76401

Smith, Carson

Student Technician

4-H and Youth Development


979-845-1211 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Smith, Hannah Faith

Student Worker

4-H and Youth Development


979-321-5279 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Snider, Cari

Extension Program Specialist - I

4-H and Youth Development; Program Specialist


325-340-1431 (p)

806-746-6528 (f)

1102 E. Drew Street
Lubbock, TX 79403-6653

Swift, Todd

Program Aide


979-845-1211 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Tittle, Dusty

Program Aide


979-845-1211 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Tykal, Kyleigh

Business Coordinator II

4-H and Youth Development; Support Staff


979-321-5290 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

578 John Kimbrough Blvd.
College Station, TX 77843-2147

Walston, Roy

Program Aide


979-845-1211 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

White, David

Executive Director, Texas 4-H Foundation

4-H and Youth Development


979-845-1213 (p)

979-862-4561 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

White, Rachel

Student Techincian

4-H and Youth Development


979-321-5336 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Williams, Montza

Specializations: Leadership, Youth, Youth Program Staff Training

Extension 4-H Program Director

4-H and Youth Development


979-845-1211 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D. Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Wilson, Alex

Program Aide

4-H and Youth Development


979-845-1211 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Wood, Mollie

Program Aide

4-H and Youth Development; Support Staff


936-240-8506 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Woolley, Ronald

Program Aide


979-845-1211 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Wright, Bailee

Program Manager P12, Texas 4-H Foundation

4-H and Youth Development


979-845-1213 (p)

806-723-8499 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Wright, Brett

Program Aide


979-845-1211 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Young, Denita

Extension Program Specialist II

4-H and Youth Development


972-231-5362 (p)

972-952-9216 (f)

17360 Coit Road
Dallas, TX 75252-6502

Zanolini, Billy

Specializations: Agriculture, Livestock, Youth, Youth Development Initiative

Associate Professor & Extension Specialist

4-H and Youth Development; Extension Specialist


979-321-5325 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D Fitch Parkway
AgriLife Extension South Campus
College Station, TX 77843-2473