People By Specialization

6 People Have the specialization "Leadership"

Requested search was compared to each person's name (including both legal and preferred first names), position title, unit name, city located in, phone number, position roles, and specializations.

Name Position Contact Location

Boyd, Barry

Specializations: Capacity Building, Leadership, Volunteer Development, Youth, Youth Development Initiatives, Youth Program Staff Education Training

Associate Professor

Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication (ALEC) (Texas A&M AgriLife Research)

Graduate Faculty

979-321-5732 (p)

979-845-6296 (f)

Agriculture and Life Sciences Building - AGLS
Room 222
College Station, TX 77843-2116

Duet, Megan

Specializations: 4-H And Youth Development, Citizenship, Leadership, Youth, Youth Development

Extension Program Specialist - II

4-H Youth Development (Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service)

4-H and Youth Development; Program Specialist

830-988-6146 (p)

1470 William D. Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845

Felton Odom, Summer

Specializations: Food, Food Education, Leadership, Survey Methodology, Youth, Youth Development Initiatives

Associate Professor

Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication (ALEC) (Texas A&M AgriLife Research)

Graduate Faculty

979-321-5730 (p)

979-845-6296 (f)

Agriculture and Life Sciences Building - AGLS
Room 218
College Station, TX 77843-2116

Locke, Darlene

Specializations: Leadership, Recreation, Youth, Youth Program Staff Training, Youth Wellness

Associate Department Head, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, Extension Program Leader

Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication (ALEC) (Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service)

4-H and Youth Development; Associate Department Head; Extension Specialist; Urban Youth Development

979-314-8141 (p)

979-862-7190 (f)

600 John Kimbrough Blvd.
AGLS Building, Rm. 128C
College Station, TX 77843-2116

Rogers, Megan

Specializations: Beef Cattle, Leadership, Youth Development

County Extension Agent

Burleson County Office (Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service)

4-H and Youth Development; 4-H Coordinator; County Extension Agent (CEA)

979-567-2308 (p)

979-567-2370 (f)

1516 Fm 166
Suite 101
Caldwell, TX 77836-1761

Williams, Montza

Specializations: Leadership, Youth, Youth Program Staff Training

Extension 4-H Program Director

4-H Youth Development (Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service)

4-H and Youth Development

979-845-1211 (p)

979-845-6495 (f)

1470 William D. Fitch Parkway
College Station, TX 77845