Food Science and Technology (FST)
College Station, TX 77843
2256 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-2256
Name | Position | Contact | Location |
Research Scientist |
979-314-8545 (p) |
Centeq 150B Tamu 2253 College Station, TX 77843-2256 |
Post Doctoral Research Associate Research Associate |
979-314-8549 (p) |
474 Olsen Blvd 413 Kleberg College Station, TX 77843 |
Logistics Coordinator |
979-458-1640 (p) |
400 Discovery Drive NCEBR Suite 120 College Station, TX 77843 |
Graduate Assistant - Research Graduate Assistant | 979-321-5383 (p) |
370 Olsen Blvd Heep Center Room 436 College Station, TX 77843 |
Program Manager Research & Development |
979-314-8544 (p) |
1500 Research Parkway Centeq Building, Suite 150A College Station, TX 77843 |
Graduate Assistant - Research (Horticultural Sciences (HORT)) Graduate Assistant - Research |
979-845-2142 (p) |
373 Olsen Bl Cater-Mattil Hall, Rm 130 College Station, TX 77843 |
Instructional Assistant Professor |
979-314-3953 (p) |
373 Olsen Blvd 128 Cater-Mattil College Station, TX 77843 |
Specializations: Food, Food Microbiology, Food Safety, Food Safety And Technology, Food Spoilage, Health, International Development, International Food Trade |
Associate Professor | 979-314-5493 (p) |
474 Olsen Blvd Kleberg Center 314A College Station, TX 77843 |
Facilities Coordinator II |
979-458-1640 (p) |
400 Discovery Drive College Station, TX 77845 |
Graduate Assistant - Research |
979-845-2142 (p) |
370 Olsen Blvd Hpct 436 College Station, TX 77843 |
Specializations: Food And Nutrition, Food Processing, Food Safety, Food Science, Functional Foods, Phytochemicals |
Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist |
979-314-3845 (p) |
373 Olsen Blvd. Cater-Mattil Hall, Room 120 College Station, TX 77843 |
Manager, Technical Laboratory | 979-458-7143 (p) |
400 Discovery Drive NCEBR Building, Suite 118 College Station, TX 77843 |
Warehouse Supervisor |
979-845-1735 (p) |
400 Discovery Drive College Station, TX 77845 |
Business Coordinator II (AgriLife Business Services) Unit Business Services |
979-314-8065 (p) |
373 Olsen Blvd Cater Mattil Bldg, Rm 117 College Station, TX 77843 |
Research Nurse Coordinator |
979-314-3854 (p) |
1500 Research Parkway College Station, TX 77843 |
Student Worker | 979-458-1640 (p) |
400 Discovery Drive College Station, TX 77843 |
Research Technician I Research Technician |
979-458-1640 (p) |
400 Discovery Dr. College Station, TX 77845 |
Graduate Assistant - Teaching |
979-845-2142 (p) |
373 Olsen Bl Cater-Mattil Hall, Rm 132 College Station, TX 77843 |
Program Manager |
979-321-5383 (p) |
373 Olsen Blvd 129 Cater-Mattil College Station, TX 77843 |
Student Worker |
979-845-1735 (p) |
1500 Research Parkway College Station, TX 77843 |
Graduate Assistant Graduate Student | 979-845-1735 (p) |
1500 Research Parkway College Station, TX 77843 |
Student Worker |
979-458-7148 (p) |
400 Discovery Drive College Station, TX 77843 |
Research Nurse Coordinator |
979-845-2142 (p) |
373 Olsen Bl Cater-Mattil Hall, Rm 130 College Station, TX 77843 |
Specializations: Antibiotic Resistance, Biopolymers, Bioprocessing, Fermentation |
Post Doctoral Research Associate |
979-314-8554 (p) |
1500 Research Parkway Centeq B Suite 130 College Station, TX 77843 |
Program Coordinator |
979-321-5388 (p) |
373 Olsen Blvd 138 Olsen Blvd College Station, TX 77843 |
Post Doctoral Research Associate Postdoctoral |
979-845-1735 (p) |
373 Olsen Blvd 129 Cater-Mattil College Station, TX 77843 |
Graduate Research Assistant |
979-314-5489 (p) |
1500 Research Parkway College Station, TX 77843 |
Graduate Assistant |
979-314-3946 (p) |
1500 Research Parkway College Station, TX 77843 |
Assistant Professor |
979-845-1735 (p) |
373 Olsen Blvd 102 Cater-Mattil College Station, TX 77843 |
Student Technician |
979-458-1640 (p) |
400 Discovery Dr. College Station, TX 77843 |
Student Worker |
979-845-1735 (p) |
1500 Research Parkway College Station, TX 77843 |
Senior Business Administrator I (AgriLife Business Services) Unit Business Services |
979-314-8066 (p) |
373 Olsen Blvd Cater-Mattil Hall, Room 116 College Station, TX 77843 |
Graduate Assistant |
979-845-1735 (p) |
1500 Research Parkway College Station, TX 77843 |
Senior Laboratory Coordinator |
979-321-5387 (p) |
1500 Research Parkway Suite B130 College Station, TX 77843 |
Program Aide |
979-845-1735 (p) |
1500 Research Parkway College Station, TX 77843 |
Visiting Scholar |
979-845-1735 (p) |
474 Olsen Blvd Room 410A College Station, TX 77843 |
Administrator I |
979-321-5386 (p) |
373 Olsen Blvd 135 Cater-Mattil College Station, TX 77843 |
Graduate Assistant Teaching |
979-845-1735 (p) |
1500 Research Parkway College Station, TX 77843 |
Associate Research Scientist |
979-314-8555 (p) |
370 Olsen Blvd. Heep Center 429C College Station, TX 77843 |
Assistant Professor |
979-845-1735 (p) |
373 Olsen Blvd 100 Cater-Mattil College Station, TX 77843 |
Research Nurse Coordinator |
979-314-3845 (p) |
1500 Research Parkway College Station, TX 77843 |
Post Doctoral Research Associate Postdoctoral |
979-845-1735 (p) |
373 Olsen Blvd 101 Cater-Mattil College Station, TX 77843 |
Specializations: Cell-Cell Signaling, Disease Prevention, Economy, Ecosystem, Energy, Environment, Environmental Microbiology, Food, Food Development, Food Education, Food Irradiation, Food Safety, Food Safety And Technology, Food Technology, Health, Human Capacity, International Development, Metabolism, Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology, Pathogen Transport, Pathogens, Public Health Microbiology, Sustainability, Vaccines, Water |
Professor |
979-321-5385 (p) |
373 Olsen Blvd 132 Cater-Mattil College Station, TX 77843 |
Research Nurse Coordinator |
979-314-3854 (p) |
1500 Research Parkway College Station, TX 77843 |
Specializations: Electron beam, irradiated vaccines, virus inactivation |
Research Scientist |
979-314-8546 (p) |
413 Kleberg College Station, TX 77845 |
Academic Advisor IV (NUTR, FSTC, FSIM) (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Administration) Administrative Support Staff; Support Staff Academic Advisor III (Nutrition (NUTR)) |
979-458-2221 (p) 979-458-3129 (f) |
474 Olsen Blvd. 116 Kleberg College Station, TX 77842 |
Postdoctoral Researcher Postdoctoral |
979-321-5383 (p) |
373 Olsen Blvd College Station, TX 77843 |
Instructional Associate Professor |
979-845-2142 (p) |
373 Olsen Blvd 133 Cater-Mattil College Station, TX 77843 |
Research Nurse Coordinator | 979-314-3854 (p) |
373 Olsen Bl Cater-Mattil Hall, Rm 130 College Station, TX 77843 |
Student Techincian | 979-458-1640 (p) |
400 Discovery Drive College Station, TX 77845 |
Post Doctoral Research Associate Post Doc |
979-314-8553 (p) |
373 Olsen Blvd 101 Cater-Mattil College Station, TX 77845 |
Program Manager |
979-845-1735 (p) |
373 Olsen Blvd 104 Cater-Mattil College Station, TX 77843 |
Student Worker Student Assistant |
979-321-5383 (p) |
1500 Research Parkway Centeq Suite B130 College Station, TX 77843 |
Student Technician Student Technician |
979-458-7143 (p) |
400 Discovery Drive NCEBR Suite 118 College Station, TX 77843 |
Business Coordinator III (AgriLife Business Services) Unit Business Services |
979-314-8067 (p) |
373 Olsen Blvd Cater-Mattil Hall, Room 130 College Station, TX 77843 |
Student Worker |
979-321-5383 (p) |
1500 Research Parkway Centeq Suite B130 College Station, TX 77843 |
Professor |
979-314-3864 (p) 979-845-2142 (f) |
Hpct 220 D College Station, TX 77843 |
Professor |
979-314-3854 (p) |
Hpct 431 B College Station, TX 77843 |
Specializations: Food and Health, Food Science |
Assistant Research Scientist Assistant Research Scientist |
979-845-1735 (p) |
1500 Research Parkway Centeq Building B, Suite 270 College Station, TX 77845 |
Research Nurse Coordinator |
979-314-3854 (p) |
1500 Research Parkway College Station, TX 77843 |
Research Specialist IV, Manager eBeam and Space Foods Facility |
979-458-1640 (p) |
400 Discovery Drive College Station, TX 77843 |
Research Assistant Professor faculty |
979-845-1735 (p) |
373 Olsen Blvd. Cater-Mattil Hall, Room 103 College Station, TX 77843 |
Research Associate Research Associate |
979-314-8548 (p) |
418A Kleberg College Station, TX 77843 |
Graduate Assistant |
979-845-1735 (p) |
1500 Research Parkway College Station, TX 77843 |
Post Doctoral Research |
979-845-1735 (p) |
1500 Research Parkway Centeq Building B, Suite 130 College Station, TX 77845 |