People By Specialization

1 Person Has the specialization "Cell-Cell Signaling"

Requested search was compared to each person's name (including both legal and preferred first names), position title, unit name, city located in, phone number, position roles, and specializations.

Name Position Contact Location

Pillai, Suresh

Specializations: Cell-Cell Signaling, Disease Prevention, Economy, Ecosystem, Energy, Environment, Environmental Microbiology, Food, Food Development, Food Education, Food Irradiation, Food Safety, Food Safety And Technology, Food Technology, Health, Human Capacity, International Development, Metabolism, Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology, Pathogen Transport, Pathogens, Public Health Microbiology, Sustainability, Vaccines, Water


Food Science and Technology (FST) (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Texas A&M University)

979-321-5385 (p)

373 Olsen Blvd
132 Cater-Mattil
College Station, TX 77843