Blanco County Office

Email Address:
Phone Number:
Physical Location:
200 N. Ave. G, Ste. 7
Johnson City, TX 78636
Mailing Address:
PO Box 189
Johnson City, TX 78636-0189


Name Position Contact Location

Brown, Eileen

County Secretary

Support Staff

830-868-7167 (p)

200 N. Ave. G, Ste. 7
Johnson City, TX 78636

Howell, Carley

County Extension Agent

Agriculture and Natural Resources; County Extension Agent (CEA)

830-868-7167 (p)

200 N. Ave. G, Ste. 7
Johnson City, TX 78636

Sanders, Gretchen

County Extension Agent

County Coordinator; County Extension Agent (CEA); Family and Community Health

830-868-7167 (p)

200 N. Ave. G, Ste. 7
Johnson City, TX 78636-0189