Lamb County Office

Email Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Physical Location:
100 6th Drive, Rm B-5
Littlefield, TX 79339
Mailing Address:
100 6th Drive, Rm B-5
Littlefield, TX 79339


Name Position Contact Location

Albus, Brandon

County Extension Agent-Agriculture and Natural Resources

4-H Coordinator; Agriculture and Natural Resources; County Coordinator; County Extension Agent (CEA)

806-485-9135 (p)

806-385-6485 (f)

100 6th Drive, Rm B-5
Littlefield, TX 79339

Keys, Kristie

Extension Agent-Agronomy (Castro County Office)

Agriculture and Natural Resources; Extension Agent

806-647-4115 (p)

205 N Broadway St
Dimmitt, TX 79027-1823

Lostroh, Kathy

County Extension Agent-Family and Community Health

4-H Coordinator; County Extension Agent (CEA); Family and Community Health

806-485-0086 (p)

806-385-6485 (f)

100 6th Drive, Rm B-5
Littlefield, TX 79339

Lowe, Courtney

Extension Agent - Health

Extension Agent

806-485-9135 (p)

806-385-6485 (f)

100 6th Drive, Rm B-5
Littlefield, TX 79339

Walker, Ashlee

County Office Manager

Support Staff

806-485-9135 (p)

806-385-6485 (f)

100 6th Drive, Rm B-5
Littlefield, TX 79339