Requested search was compared to each person's name (including both legal and preferred first names), position title, unit name, city located in, phone number, position roles, and specializations.
Dong, Xuejun
Specializations: Agricultural System Modeling, Biodiversity, Crop Adaptation, Crop Production, Crop Water Use, Cropping Systems, Decision Support System, Disease Resistance, Drought, Economy, Ecosystem, Environment, Exchange Programs, Food, Food Development, Germplasm, Health, International Development, Irrigation Management, Nutrient Use Efficiency, Organic Production, Pest Resistance, Plant Breeding, Resource Use Efficiency, Root Rhizosphere Ecosystem, Soil Erosion Management, Soil Fertility And Water Conservation, Stress Tolerance, Student Training, Sustainability, Sustainable Practices, Tillage Systems, Water, Water Use Efficiency
Associate Professor
Uvalde Research and Extension Center (Texas A&M AgriLife Research)
830-988-6136 (p)
830-278-1570 (f)
Leskovar, Daniel
Specializations: Antioxidants, Biodiversity, Crop Adaptation, Crop Water Use, Cropping Systems, Designer Foods, Disease Resistance, Drought, Environment, Exchange Programs, Food, Food Development, Germplasm, Health, High-Value Vegetable Crops, Hydroponics, International Development, Nutrient Use Efficiency, Pest Resistance, Phytochemicals, Plant Breeding, Protected Cultivation, Resource Use Efficiency, Root Biology, Root Traits, Stress Tolerance, Student Training, Sustainability, Sustainable Practices, Vegetable Organic Production, Vegetable Quality, Water, Water Conservation, Water Use Efficiency
Center Director
Dallas Research and Extension Center (Texas A&M AgriLife Research)
Resident Director
830-988-6124 (p)
Stelly, David
Specializations: Biodiversity, Cotton Breeding, Drought, Ecosystem, Environment, Food, Germplasm, Human Health, Nematodes, Plant Breeding, Subtropical Genomic Selection, Water
Soil and Crop Sciences (SCSC) (Texas A&M AgriLife Research)
Graduate Faculty
979-845-2745 (p)
979-845-0456 (f)
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