Requested search was compared to each person's name (including both legal and preferred first names), position title, unit name, city located in, phone number, position roles, and specializations.
Burke, Joseph
Specializations: Cotton, Cover Crops, Semi-arid Agriculture, Soil Erosion Management, Soil Fertility, Soil Health, Water Conservation
Assistant Professor of Weed Science/Agronomy
Lubbock Research and Extension Center (Texas A&M AgriLife Research)
806-746-6101 (p)
806-746-6528 (f)
Gentry, Terry
Specializations: Ecosystem, Energy, Environment, Food, Health, Soil Craking, Soil Health, Soil Microbiology, Soil Quality, Sustainability, Water
Soil and Crop Sciences (SCSC) (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Texas A&M University)
979-845-3041 (p)
Mcinnes, Kevin
Specializations: Ecosystem, Environment, Food, Health, Hydrology, Soil Health, Soil Physics, Sustainability, Water
Graduate Faculty
Treadwell, Morgan
Specializations: Brush Control, Grazing Land Management, Prescribed Fire, Range Science, Soil Health
Professor & Extension Range Specialist
San Angelo Research and Extension Center (Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service)
325-657-7317 (p)
979-845-6049 (f)
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