Janet Hurley
Dallas, TX 75252
Dallas, TX 75252

Coordinates school IPM coordinator training for public schools in TX and oversees the statewide effort to educate schools about their Integrated Pest Management programs. Hurley is also known for her work on the National School IPM Workgroup, which helps coordinate efforts amongst states to offer quality training and education to those interested in IPM. Hurley has also been a long-standing committee member of the International IPM Symposium and has been cochairman of the Awards Committee for the IPM Symposium.
Along with Dr. Mike Merchant, Hurley helps coordinate the training efforts at the IPM Experience House located at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research & Extension Center. Primary focus for Extension is understanding the laws and rules that impact schools and pest control businesses. Secondary focus is on vertebrate pests (rodents, bats, wildlife) as well as most structural pests of concern.
Ms. Hurley’s background in public health and administration. Her position with AgriLife Extension has been assisting school districts with their IPM programs. Rodent management has been an ongoing focus for Hurley.
Rodent management is changing in the pest management industry. I work with companies that have introduced new technology in rodent management using digital technology to monitor and track rodent behavior. I also work with clients (schools, pest control companies and others) to establish better programs to address how to control and prevent rodents in buildings.
Integrated pest management isn't just for farms or commerical accounts. Most residents don't realize they are essential to keeping pests like ants, cockroaches, silverfish, flies, fleas, mosquitoes and rodents out of their home by practicing IPM. I'm always looking for county agents to work with to help spread this message to thier clients. I also have a pest control survey that Agents can use to help us collect data on the practices of pest control.
Master of Public Affairs. 2006. University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX
Bachelor of Science Community Health. 1994. Texas Woman’s University, Denton, TX
Associates of Arts Degree – Business. 1984. Northern Oklahoma College, Tonkawa, OK
- Excellence in IPM Programming Award 7+ Years, Texas Pest Management Association, 2019
- 2019 Keynote Speaker, Texas and Greater El Paso Pest Control Association, 2019
- TESA Professional Development Award, Texas Extension Specialist Association, 2017 (The purpose of this award was to attend the New York Rodent Academy and subsequently develop a Texas Rodent Academy for school IPM coordinators, pest management professionals and public health workers. Details regarding Texas Rodent Academy are in Section IV, Cumulative Achievements.)
- Texas A&M AgriLife Service Superior Service Award – Team School IPM, 2015
- Healthy Schools Hero, Lessons of the 1937 Texas School Explosion, 2013
- IPM Innovator Award, U.S. EPA for the National School IPM Demonstration Project, 2012
- 7th International IPM Award of Excellence team recognition awarded to Spring ISD, 2012
- Southern Region Friends of IPM Educator Award, Southern Region IPM Center, 2010
- Southern Region IPM Center Friend of IPM Bright Idea Award, Southern Region School IPM Working Group, 2009
- Excellence in IPM Programming Award, Texas Pest Management Association, 2008
- Team Award for Superior Service for School IPM Program, Texas Cooperative Extension, 2005
- Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program Champion recipient for School IPM, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2005.
Extension Publications
- Reed, B. and J. Hurley. 2018. Human Lice Ento-079 updated in Dec. 2017 and published Jan 2018
- Gouge, D. H., T. Stock, S. Nair, S. L. Li, S. Bryks, J. Hurley and A. Fournier. 2015. Preparing Your School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plan, Arizona Cooperative Extension #AZ1669 https://extension.arizona.edu/pubs/preparing-your-school-integrated-pest-management-ipm-plan
- Gouge, D. H., t. Stock, S. Nair, S. L. Li, S. Bryks, J. Hurley and A. Fournier. 2015. Preparing Your School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plan, Arizona Cooperative Extension #AZ1669 https://extension.arizona.edu/pubs/preparing-your-school-integrated-pest-management-ipm-plan
- Nester, P. M., and J.A. Hurley. 2014. Fire Ants and the Texas IPM in Schools Program, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Publication, ENTO-017 (02/14)
- Hurley, J. 2014. Urban IPM Programs Legislator One pager, developed by Ag Communications for building awareness about the Texas School IPM program. Not published online.
- Hurley, J. 2014. School IPM Program One Pager – for schools and county agents – what they need to know about school IPM developed by Ag Communications
- Hurley, J. 2014. Urban IPM Programs One Pager on community IPM project developed by Ag Communications for marketing purposes – available at http://communityipm.tamu.edu/current-topics/
- Hurley, J. and B. Nix. 2013. Controlling Pests in Animal Shelters http://www.agrilifebookstore.org/product-p/ento-032.htm ENTO-032 2 pp. English and Spanish (New)
- Hurley, J.A., C.T. Allen, M. Merchant, and D. McCorkle. 2013. Overview of the School IPM Program in Texas: a brief background on the School Integrated Pest Management Program in Texas Prepared for 83rd Texas Legislative Session. http://ipm.tamu.edu/files/2013/02/School-IPM-White-paper-Final.pdf
- Ring, D., D. Pollet, J. Hurley, L.C. Graham, F. Oi, J. Hopkins, K. Vail, M. Merchant. 2010. Pest Identification Guide: For Pests in and Around Buildings. Southern Region School IPM Working Group/Southern IPM Center. LSU Ag Center Pub. 3158. (pocket flip guide to pests of schools and buildings) 48 pp.
- Hurley, J. D. Odegard, D. Foss, & B. E. Nix. 2010. Bat Control in Schools. AgriLife Extension, Texas A&M AgriLife Communications, B-6220, College Station, TX
- Gouge, D., T. Green, M. Lame, M. Shour, J. Hurley, L. Braband, S. Glick, F. Graham, and K. Murray. 2009. Integrated Pest Management: The Most Effective Way to Manage Pests in Your School. Arizona Cooperative Extension AZ1234, Tucson, AZ
- Baldwin, R, & J. Hurley. 2009. IPM Plan for Commensal Rodents, 2 pages, http://schoolipm.tamu.edu/IPM_forms.asp and http://www.extension.org/pages/School_IPM_Action_Plan_for_Rats
- Merchant, M., J. Hurley. 2005, 2007, 2009. Recognizing Green Category Pesticides for Use in Texas Schools. 5 pages. http://schoolipm.tamu.edu/IPM_forms.asp
- Hurley, J, B. French, M. Goodman, & B. Nix. 2007. Integrated Pest Management Plan for Bats. 4 pages http://schoolipm.tamu.edu/dev/IPM_forms.asp
- Nester, P. & J. Hurley. 2005, 2014. Managing Fire Ants in Texas Schoolyards & Butterfly Gardens. FAFSP - 016
- Merchant, M., J. Hurley, & D. Renchie, 2004. An Introduction to IPM in Schools: a Manual for Facilities Maintenance Professionals. Texas Cooperative Extension B-6015, College Station, TX
Books or chapters therein:
Hurley, J.A., T. Sidwa, and S. Swiger. 2014. Texas Mosquito Manual. Section D, “Selecting a Contractor”
Refereed journal articles and abstracts published:
- Bennett, Blake, Janet Hurley, and Mike Merchant. “An Integrated Pest Management Tool for Evaluating Schools.” Journal of Extension. Vol. 54, No 2. April 2016. Available at: https://www.joe.org/joe/2016april/tt4.php
- Graham, L. C. (Fudd), Janet Hurley, and Kathy Flanders. 2015. Wildlife Damage Management in the Digital Age: Collaborating with Others. Human-Wildlife Interactions. 9(02):163-165.
- Hurley, J.A., T.A. Green, D. H. Gouge, Z.T. Bruns, T. Stock, L. Braband, K. Murray, C. Westinghouse, S. Ratcliffe, D. Pehlman, and L. Crane. 2014. Regulating Pesticide Use in United States Schools. American Entomologist. 60(02):105-114.