Jennifer Spencer
Stephenville, TX 76401
Stephenville, TX 76401
Dr. Jennifer Spencer is an Assistant Professor, and Extension and Research Dairy Specialist headquartered at Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center in Stephenville, TX. Prior to joining Texas A&M AgriLife in 2018, Dr. Spencer completed her B.S. in Animal Science, Pre-Veterinary Medicine and Dairy Science, M.S. in Animal Science, Dairy Reproductive Physiology, and Ph.D. in Animal Science, Dairy Reproductive Physiology at the University of Idaho. Her graduate research focused on management strategies to improve the reproductive performance of dairy cows while reducing labor and animal handling.
Dr. Spencer strives to communicate the needs of dairymen and the dairy industry through her work and has a 75% Extension and 25% Research Appointment. She has developed and organized employee trainings, youth educational programs, and dairy producer programs, all of which have proven to be very impactful to the state of Texas. Her future goals are to continue stimulating the interest of others in the dairy industry and conduct meaningful research to help improve dairy cattle management and producer profitability.
University of Idaho, B.S. Graduated in 2012, Animal Science: Dairy Science and Animal Science: Pre-Veterinary Medicine
University of Idaho, M.S. Graduated in 2014, Animal Science: Dairy Reproduction
University of Idaho, Ph.D. Graduated in 2018, Animal Physiology: Dairy Reproduction
Honorary Lone Star Degree, Texas FFA Association, 2022
Referred Publications
- Spencer, J. A., D. Konetchy, and A. Ahmadzadeh. 2020. Review: Influence of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on cattle reproductive performance. Appl. Anim. Sci. 1-10. DOI:
- Spencer, J. A., K. G. Carnahan, B. Shafii, J. Dalton, and A. Ahmadzadeh. 2020. Pregnancy per artificial insemination during summer in lactating dairy cows after treatment with aspirin. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 212: 106253 DOI:
- Claypool, C. K., J. A. Spencer, S. Menegatti Zoca, B. Shafii, W. J. Price, A. Ahmadzadeh, N. R. Rimbey, and J. C. Dalton. 2019. Short Communication: Reproduction outcomes in dairy heifers following a 14-d progesterone insert presynchronization protocol. J. Dairy Sci. 102:11730-11735. DOI:
- Spencer, J. A., K. Carnahan, B. Shafii, W. J. Price, J. Dalton, and A. Ahmadzadeh. 2018. Pregnancy outcomes are not improved by administering gonadotropin-releasing hormone at initiation of a 5-day CIDR-Cosynch resynchronization protocol for lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 101:1-8 DOI:
- Davenport, K. M., J. A. Spencer, J. J. Peak, J. C. Dalton, and B. M. Murdoch. 2017. Genomic testing of female Holsteins: A resource for selection and improvement. Translational Animal Science, Vol. 2:S149–S154 DOI:
- Spencer, J. A., K. Steinkamp, B. Shafii, and A. Ahmadzadeh. 2016. The effect of aspirin on prostaglandin F2α in lactating dairy cows. Prof. Anim. Sci., 32:681-686. DOI:
- Spencer, J. A., K. G. Carnahan, B. Shafii, S. Read, and A. Ahmadzadeh. 2016. Effect of flunixin meglumine on prostaglandin metabolites and progesterone in lactating dairy cows. Clinic. Theriogenology, 8:41-48.
In Progress
- Spencer, J. A., K. Carnahan, B. Shafii, W. J. Price, and A. Ahmadzadeh. Defining progesterone profiles and luteolysis after one or two prostaglandin F2α injections in a 5-day CIDR-Cosynch protocol for suckling beef cows. Prof. Anim. Sci
- Guadalupe, C., Paudyal, S., Spencer, J., Pineiro, J., Daigle, C. L. 2023. Case study: the impact of a fogging system on dairy cow comfort in cows housed in a barn with tunnel ventilation and an automatic milking system. Accepted 2023 SSASAS Conference.
- G. Canny, B. Jones, J. Waddell, J. A. Spencer, and J. Speshock. 2022. Determining an automatic teat sprayer system’s effectiveness on eliminating bacteria on the teat skin of Holstein dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 105 (Suppl. 1):256.
- J. A. Spencer, J. Piñeiro, M. Berry, L. Jenschke, and B. Boyd. 2022. Dairy personnel calving and newborn calf management training: An impactful resource for dairy producers. J. Dairy Sci. 105 (Suppl. 1):295.
- J. A. Garcia-Buitrago, J. M. Piñeiro, R. Hagevoort, and J. A. Spencer. 2022. Evaluation of selective dry cow therapy on New Mexico dairy farms. J. Dairy Sci. 105 (Suppl. 1):351.
- J. M. Pineiro, A. A. Barragan, E. Jimenez, J. A. Spencer, J. A. Garcia-Buitrago, and R. Hagevoort. 2022. The effects of administration of acetylsalicyclic acid to dry cows after calving on milk yield and health performance. J. Dairy Sci. 105 (Suppl. 1):386.
- Garcia Buitrago, J. A., G. R. Hagevoort, J. A. Spencer, J. Piñeiro. 2020. Evaluation of animal handling trainings provided to Central Texas dairy workers. J. Dairy Sci. 103 (Suppl. 1):226-227.
- Spencer J. A.,* S. Menegatti Zoca, M. Reynolds, W. J. Price, B. Shafii, and A. Ahmadzadeh. 2018. One versus two prostaglandin F2α injections on progesterone concentrations and luteolysis in suckling beef cows subjected to a 5-day controlled internal drug release-Cosynch protocol. J. Anim. Sci. 96(Suppl. 3):347.
- Spencer J. A.,* K. Carnahan, W. Price, B. Shafii, and A. Ahmadzadeh. 2018. One injection of high-concentration prostaglandin F2α is as effective as two injections of conventional prostaglandin F2α in causing luteolysis for dairy cows subjected to a 5-d CIDR-Cosynch protocol. J. Dairy Sci. 101(Suppl. 2):288.
- Norell, R. J., J. A. Spencer, S. M. Zoca, and A. Ahmadzadeh. 2018. Factors influencing the electrical resistance of various pathways through the dairy cow. J. Dairy Sci. 101(Suppl. 2):277.
- Norell, R. J., J. A. Spencer, S. M. Zoca, and A. Ahmadzadeh. 2018. Partitioning the resistance of electrical pathways through the cow into component segments. J. Dairy Sci. 101(Suppl. 2):277.
- Spencer J. A.,* K. Carnahan, W. Price, B. Shafii and A. Ahmadzadeh. 2017. Effect of one versus two prostaglandin F2α injections on progesterone concentrations and luteolysis in dairy cows subjected to a 5-d CIDR-Cosynch. J. Dairy Sci.100(Suppl. 2):283-4.
- Norell, R., J. Spencer, A. Ahmadzadeh, M. E. de Haro Marti, and M. Chahine. 2017. Does a 500-ohm shunt resistor accurately characterize the electrical resistance of adult dairy cattle? J. Dairy Sci. 100(Suppl. 2):297.
- Claypool, C. K., J. Spencer, S. M. Zoca, B. Shafii, W. J. Price, A. Ahmadzadeh, N. R. Rimby, J. C. Dalton. 2016. The reproductive and economic benefits of presynchronization of Holstein dairy cows with a 14-day CIDR protocol. 18th International Congress of Animal Reproduction (Abstract).
- Spencer, J. A., K. G. Carnahan, B. Shafii, J. Dalton, A. Ahmadzadeh. 2016. The effects of aspirin on pregnancy rates and pregnancy specific protein B in lactating dairy cows during the summer. J. Dairy Sci. 99(Suppl. 1):533.
- Spencer, J., K. G. Carnahan, B. Shafii, C. Claypool, J. C. Dalton, A. Ahmadzadeh. 2015. The use of a modified 5-day CIDR-Cosynch protocol for resynchronization in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 98(Suppl. 2):93.
- Claypool, C. K., J. Spencer, S. M. Zoca, B. Shafii, W. J. Price, A. Ahmadzadeh, N. R. Rimby, J. C. Dalton. 2015. Distribution of detected estrus following 14-day CIDR and prostaglandin F2α treatment as a pre-synchronization strategy in dairy heifers. J. Dairy Sci. 98 (Suppl. 2):115.
- Claypool, C. K., J. Spencer, S. M. Zoca, B. Shafii, W. J. Price, A. Ahmadzadeh, N. R. Rimby, J. C. Dalton. 2015. Reproductive outcomes following presynchronization of dairy heifers with a 14-d CIDR and prostaglandin F2α. J. Dairy Sci. 98(Suppl. 2):874.
- Spencer, J., K. Austin, K. G. Carnahan, A. Ahmadzadeh. 2014. The Role of pH and Progesterone on Bovine Uterine Protein Secretion in Response to Maternal Recognition, Interferon-tau. Washington State University 1st Annual Center for Reproductive Biology Trainee Symposium, 24.
- Spencer, J., K. Austin, K. Carnahan, A. Ahmadzadeh. 2014. The Role of pH and Progesterone on Bovine Uterine Protein Secretion in Response to Maternal Recognition, Interferon-tau. J. Dairy. Sci. 97(E-Suppl. 1):242.
- Spencer, J., K. Steinkamp, B. Shafii, and A. Ahmadzadeh. 2014. The effect of aspirin on prostaglandin F2α secretion in lactating dairy cows during the luteal phase of the estrous cycle. J. Dairy Sci. 97(E-Suppl. 1):680-681.
- Spencer, J., K. Austin, K. Carnahan, A. Ahmadzadeh. 2013. Effects of urea on uterine response to interferon-tau in presence of progesterone. J. Anim. Sci. 91(Suppl. 2):182.
- Spencer, J., A. Ahmadzadeh, B. Shafii, C. Johnson, J. Dalton, K. Carnahan, and S. Reeds. 2012. Investigation of the relationship between resumption of ovarian cyclicity and plasma nutritional markers in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95(Suppl. 2):78.
- Spencer, J., Davis, T. 2010. Are the effects of estradiol dynamin dependent at the plasma membrane of breast cancer cells? McNair Achievement Journal, Vol. 7.
Extension Articles
J. Spencer, B. McCool, M. Farnell, T. Hairgrove, and J. Paschal. 2022. A general vaccination and management guide. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. ANSC-PU-154.
E. Jordan, A. I. Dement, F. C. Faries Jr. 2022. Biosecurity practices for dairy operations. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. ANSC-PU-092.