People By Specialization

2 People Have the specialization "Microsoft Teams"

Requested search was compared to each person's name (including both legal and preferred first names), position title, unit name, city located in, phone number, position roles, and specializations.

Name Position Contact Location

Carper, Jay

Specializations: Active Directory, Azure Active Directory, Group Policies, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Teams, Office 365, PowerShell

Enterprise IT Technologist

AgriLife Information Technology (Texas A&M AgriLife)

Technology Innovation Group

979-803-0113 (p)

578 John Kimbrough Blvd
AgriLife Services Bldg
College Station, TX 77843

Hughson, Jill

Specializations: Customer Service, Excel, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, PowerPoint, Training, Word, WordPress

Manager, IT Training and Development

AgriLife Information Technology (Texas A&M AgriLife)

IT Training & Development

979-803-0134 (p)

Temporary Alternate Work Location
Off Campus
Bryan, TX 77843