Shyamal Talukder

Shyamal Talukder

Phone Number:
Physical Location:
1509 Aggie Drive
Beaumont, TX 77713
Mailing Address:
1509 Aggie Drive
Beaumont, TX 77713
Organizational Role:
Immediate Supervisor:

Position Title:
Assistant Professor

General Bio:


Assistant Professor of Inbred Rice Breeding and Genetics

Texas A&M AgriLife Research Center at Beaumont, Texas

Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Texas A&M University


The inbred rice breeding and genetics program aims to develop rice cultivar with enhanced yield along with high milling and cooking quality for the market, disease and insect resistance, herbicide tolerance, high seedling vigor, cold, heat and drought tolerance. The breeding program follows conventional breeding approaches integrated with molecular and high throughput breeding technology i.e., marker assisted selection, genomic selection, model assisted selection, gene editing, induced mutation etc. Major research focus addresses fundamental rice growing issues including biotic and abiotic factors in the region and worldwide using GWAS and biparental mapping for marker development, transcriptomics, genomics, semi-high throughput phenotyping and genome editing. My interest also is to focus on training graduate students, scientists, generate knowledgebase, publish research articles, develop multidimensional collaboration with various scientists around the USA and the globe.


2013   PhD   Agronomy, Kansas State University, USA

2002   MS   Horticulture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh

2000   BS   Agriculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh

  1. Leadership program (2017), Noble Research Institute, Oklahoma.
  2. Carl and Betty C. Overley Scholarship (2012), Kansas State University.
  3. Bernard E. and Estelle L. Foote Scholarship (2012), Kansas State University.
  4. Bernard E. and Estelle L. Foote Scholarship (2011), Kansas State University.
  5. John H. Parker Scholarship (2010), Kansas State University.
  6. Louis P. and Elva G. Reitz Scholarship (2009), Kansas State University.
Selected Publications:
  1. Virgilio Cedro Andaya, Farman Jodari, Shyamal K. Talukder, Teresa Bermejo De Leon, Cynthia Bato Andaya, Kent Scheidel McKenzie.2021. Rice cultivar L-208. US Patent No. 11006596.
  2. Virgilio Cedro Andaya, Teresa Bermejo De Leon, Shyamal K. Talukder, Cynthia Bato Andaya, Kent Scheidel McKenzie.2021. Rice cultivar M-211. US Patent No. 11013192
  3. Harold N. Trick; Allan K. Fritz and Shyamal K. Talukder. 2020. Expression of thermostable starch synthase genes improves the yield in heat stress. US Patent No. US10557144B2.
  4. Islam, M.S., S. K. Talukder*, K. Chekhovskiy, J. Black, M. McMahon, N. Krom, J. Chang and M. C. Saha. 2021. Identification of putative drought responsive QTL in tall fescue under natural summer drought through Genome-wide association mapping. (Frontiers in Plant Science *equal first author).
  5. Talukder, S.K., S. Bhamidimarri, K. Chekhovskiy and M.C. Saha. 2020. Mapping QTL for traits related to summer dormancy in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). Scientific Reports. 10:14539.
  6. Halder, J., J. Zhang, S. Ali, J.S. Sidhu, H.S. Gill, S.K. Talukdar, J. Kleinjan, B. Turnipseed and S.K. Sehgal. 2019. Mining and genomic characterization of resistance to Tan spot, Stagonospora nodorum blotch (SNB), and Fusarium head blight in Watkins core collection of wheat landraces. BMC Plant Biol 19(1), 480.
  7. Kopecký, D., S.K. Talukder*, J. Zwyrtková, M. Trammell, J. Doleže and M.C. Saha. 2019. Inter-morphotype hybridization in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.): exploration of meiotic irregularities and potential for breeding. Euphytica. 215: 97. (*equal first author)
  8. Tian, B., S.K. Talukder*, J. Fu, A.K. Fritz and H.N. Trick. 2018. Expression of a rice soluble starch synthase gene improved the grain yield in heat stress conditions in wheat. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology. DOI: 10.1007/s11627-018-9893-2.
  9. Talukder, S.K.,  P. Azhaguvel, K. Chekhovskiy and M.C. Saha. 2018. Morphotype specific marker development in tall fescue and phylogenetic relationship among Festuca Species. PLOS ONE.
  10. Talukder, S.K., and M.C. Saha. 2017. Toward genomics-based breeding in C3 cool-season perennial grasses. Front. Plant Sci.
  11. Talukder, S.K., P. Azhaguvel, S. Mukherjee, C.A. Young, Y. Tang, N. Krom and M.C. Saha. 2015. De novo assembly and characterization of water stress related transcriptome in tall fescue using Illumina paired-end sequencing. The Plant Genome 8: 1-13.
  12. Saha, M.C., S.K. Talukder, P. Azhaguvel, S. Mukherjee and K. Chekhovskiy. 2015. Deciphering drought tolerance in tall fescue [Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh.]. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. H. Budak, G. Spangenberg (eds.), Molecular Breeding of Forage and Turf. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-08714-6_1.
  13. Talukder, S.K., P.V.V. Prasad, T. Todd, M.A. Babar, J. Poland, R.L. Bowden and A. K. Fritz. 2015. Effect of cytoplasmic diversity on post anthesis heat tolerance in wheat. Euphytica 201: 1-12.
  14. Talukder, S.K., M.A. Babar, K. Vijayalakshmi, J. Poland, P.V.V. Prasad, R. Bowden and A.K. Fritz. 2014. Mapping QTL for the traits associated with heat tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). BMC Genetics 15: 97.