Brittany Chesser
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Physical Location:
495 Horticulture Road
College Station, TX 77843-2138
College Station, TX 77843-2138
Mailing Address:
Texas A&M University
2138 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-2138
2138 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-2138
Organizational Role:
Immediate Supervisor:

Position Title:
Extension Program Specialist I
Unit & Entity:
Selected Publications:
- EWF-037 Identification and Control of Duckweed & Watermeal
- EWF-110 Aquatic Vegetation Prevention
- EHT-149 Identification and Management of Water Lily-Like Species
- RWFM-PU-373 Non-native, Invasive, Emergent Plants in Texas
- RWFM-PU-379 Liming Your Pond to Improve the Fishery
- RWFM-PU-392 Triploid Grass Carp for Biological Control of Aquatic Vegetation in Texas
- RWFM-PU-393 Mozambique Tilapia for Biological Control of Aquatic Vegetation in Texas
- RWFM-PU-413 A Landowner’s Guide: Aquatic Site Visits
- RWFM-PU-418 Aquatic Herbicide Tables
- RWFM-PU-418 Creating a Buffer for Texas Ponds
- RWFM-PU-411 Aquatic Site Visit Checklist for Professionals
- Preventing Aquatic Invasive Species with Effective Awareness Campaigns