Karsten Pearce

Karsten Pearce

Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Physical Location:
578 John Kimbrough Blvd
AgriLife Services Bldg
College Station, TX 77843
Mailing Address:
Texas A&M University
2468 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-2468
Organizational Role:
Immediate Supervisor:
Karsten Pearce width=

Position Title:
Software Applications Developer IV
Technology Innovation Group

General Bio:

Karsten has been programming since the late 90's and started concentrating his efforts in web applications in 2000.  He joined Texas A&M AgriLife Extension as a student worker in the spring of 2001, working on the website and applications for Family Development & Resource Management.

During those years he honed his skills in PHP and Linux & MySQL server support. In 2007 he switched departments and started working with AgriLife Information Technology (AIT), mostly focusing on ColdFusion applications.

Today he and the Software Development Team at AIT primarily develop in PHP 7.3+.  Karsten has extensive expertise in OOP design patterns, SQL, Laminas, jQuery, Bootstrap, CSS, and starting Swift/SwiftUI.

Notable projects: AgriLife People, County HolidaysConference ServicesObject Class CodesExtension Online ('03 - '07), TExAS ('07-'14),



Bachelor of Science in Poticial Science - Texas A&M Univesity '02


Epsilon Sigma Phi - State Award of Meritorious Support Service '05