Shuyu Liu

Shuyu Liu
Email Address:
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Physical Location:
370 Olsen Blvd. (MS 2474)
College Station, TX 77843
Mailing Address:
Texas A&M University
2474 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-2474
Organizational Role:
Immediate Supervisor:
David Baltensperger
Shuyu Liu width=

Position Title:
Unit & Entity:
Soil and Crop Sciences (SCSC) (Texas A&M AgriLife Research)

disease and insect resistance, genomic prediction, Wheat and oat breeding and genetics, wheat doubled haploid
General Bio:

Dr. Shuyu Liu is a professor in wheat breeding, genetics, and genomics with the Soil and Crop Science Department of Texas A&M University and AgriLife Research. He is teaching two courses. He got his M.S. from CSU and Ph.D. from University of Missouri-Columbia. His research focuses on improving the drought and heat tolerance, resistance to diseases and pests, higher yielding, and end-use quality. He integrated doubled haploid development and genomic prediction into Texas wheat breeding programs. He has led projects funded by USDA-NIFA foundation, International Yield Partnership on WheatCAP subaward, and USDA Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative. He has secured $3.2M for his genetic program and $28M in collaboration. He published 100 peer reviewed articles with total citations over 2764 and presented 290 oral and posters. He trained 34 graduate and 21 undergraduate students. He has chaired 6 and been member of 18 committees in the ASA-CSSA-SSSA. He was an ambassador of scientists engaging and educating decision-makers. He is an associate editor of five journals and reviewed 250+ journal articles. He got the outstanding reviewer award from the Plant Genome and an outstanding editor from the Crop Journal. He got the research faculty award from the department and the Vice Chancellor team award in 2019.


My research focuses on the breeding, genetic and genomic studies of important traits of wheat in the US Great Plains. Cultivar development for the central and South Texas on hard red wheat, for northeast of Texas on soft wheat, and oat is my major focus.

Traits include heat tolerance, resistance to diseases (leaf, stem and stripe rusts, powdery mildew), and arthropods (greenbug, hessian fly, and wheat curl mite) as well as good end-use quality. Both traditional and molecular breeding techniques are used to develop germplasm lines and cultivars with one or more target traits. Genomic techniques include gene/QTL mapping, molecular marker identification, validation and utilization, high throughput Kompetitive allele specific PCR (KASP) single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) screening, and gene cloning and editing. Association mapping, genomic selection, and gene functional analyses are being used to understand and improve those target traits. Wheat doubled haploid and speed breeding have been integrated into the breeding pipelines.


Courses Taught:

SCSC 402 – Crop Stress Management 

Credits 4. 3 Lecture Hours. 2 Lab Hours. Identification, measurement, biology, physiology and management of crop stress; limitations of specific environments to crop productivity; morphological and physiological crop stress response mechanisms. Prerequisites: SCSC 307, junior or senior classification, or approval of instructor.


SCSC 660 – Experimental Design in Agriculture

Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours. Fundamental principles and procedures of experimental designs in agricultural sciences; emphasis includes factorial designs, predicting outputs, use of covariance, balanced and unbalanced experimental designs as related to common agricultural research projects under field, greenhouse or growth chamber culture; familiarization with computer programming of common statistical software. Prerequisite: STAT 651.


Ph.D., Plant Breeding and Genetics, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO, USA. 2003.

M.S., Plant Breeding and Genetics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA. 1998.

B.S., Crop Science, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian, Shandong, China. 1988.

M.S. Candidate, Bioinformatics, completed courses, University of Missouri-Columbia, MO, USA. 2003.

  1. 2024 Tengtou Agricultural Science Award, ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
  2. Outstanding Editor of The Crop Journal in 2022 by The Editor-in-Chief.
  3. 2022 Career award from the Association of Chinese Soil and Plant Scientists of North America to recognize the life-time achievement.
  4. 2014-2023 Texas A&M Technology Commercialization’s 6 Patent and Innovations Award: 5252AGLR19-01, “TAM 115 (TX11A001295) Wheat”, PVP 202000429 and 5253AGLR19-01, “TAM 205 (TX12V07415) Wheat”, PVP 202000430, Issued 9/28/2021. Two new wheat cultivars TAM 116 and Dyna-Gro 7322 were released in 2023. TAM 114 and TAM 204 were released in 2014.
  5. 2021-2022 SEED Ambassador Award: The Scientists Engaging and Educating Decision-makers (SEED) Ambassador Award is a year-long, immersive advocacy leadership program with the goal of developing trusted relationships between Society members and Members of Congress.
  6. 2022 Graduate Mentoring Academy Fellow from Dean of Faculties and Graduate and Professional School of TAMU
  7. 2021 The Plant Genome Outstanding Reviewer Award by The Plant Genome Editorial Board.
  8. 2019 Research Faculty Award in Soil and Crop Science Dept., Texas A&M University. Integrated wheat doubled haploid (DH) developing pipeline and genomic prediction in breeding. The DH technique shortens pure germplasm line development by 3-4 years compared with conventional breeding methodology. Only award to faculty who has conducted excellent research in the last three years.
  9. 2019 Vice Chancellor Award in Excellence for Team Collaboration in Wheat Genomics. I am the major bridge faculty linking the genomic and bioinformatic applications to wheat breeding. There was only one team award, and our multi-disciplinary team received it by conducting excellent research at TAMUS.
  10. 2015 TAMU College of Agriculture and Life Science Dean’s Outstanding Research Achievement Award for Interdisciplinary Research Team, Wheat Improvement Team. Successfully conducted a public-private collaborative project with more than $7.7 M wheat breeding and genetic research.
Selected Publications:

[“*” indicates the research conducted at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research wheat genetic program at Amarillo and Liu was the corresponding author or supervisor; chaired/co-chaired graduate students have “1”; post-doctoral research associate and scientists have “2”, research staff have “3”, graduate students with Liu in committee have “4”, undergraduate students have “5”; visiting students have “6”.]

  1. Melson, E.E. 4, Chen M-S, Ibrahim A.M.H., Drake D.R., Liu S., Sutton R., Zhu-Salzman K., Mays D.T. 2024. Higher levels of virulence to multiple resistance genes were detected in Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor) populations from Texas. Crop Sci.
  2. Cerit M.1, Wang Z.1, Dogan M. 1, Yu S.2, Valenzuela-Antelo J.L.1, Chu C.2, Wang S., Xue Q., Ibrahim A.M.H., Rudd J.C., Metz R., Johnson C.D., Liu S.* 2023. Mapping QTL for Yield and Its Component Traits Using Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) RIL Mapping Population from TAM 113 ´ Gallagher. Agronomy 13:2402 (Citations: 0, Impact Factor (IF): 4)
  3. Bhandari, M., Chang, A., Jung, J., Ibrahim, A. M., Rudd, J. C., Baker, S., Landivar, J., Liu, S., & Landivar, J. 2023. Unmanned aerial system‐based high‐throughput phenotyping for plant breeding. The Plant Phenome Journal, 6(1), e20058. (5, NA)
  4. Dogan, M. 1, Wang, Z. 1, Cerit, M. 1, Valenzuela-Antelo, J. L. 1, Dhakal, S. 1, Chu, C. 2, Xue, Q., Ibrahim, A. M. H., Rudd, J. C., Bernardo, A., St. Amand, P., Bai, G., Zhang, H., & Liu, S.* 2023. QTL Analysis of Yield and End-Use Quality Traits in Texas Hard Red Winter Wheat. Agronomy, 13(3), 689. Doi: 2073-4395/13/3/689 (3, 4)
  5. Wang, Z. 1, S. Dhakal1, M. Cerit1, S. Wang, Y. Rauf2, S. Yu2, F. Maulana, W. Huang, J. D. Anderson, X.-F. Ma, J. C. Rudd, A. M. H. Ibrahim, Q. Xue, D. B. Hays, A. Bernardo, P. St. Amand, G. Bai, J. Baker, S. Baker and S. Liu*. 2022. QTL mapping of yield components and kernel traits in wheat cultivars TAM 112 and Duster. Frontiers in Plant Science 13. Doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.1057701 (3, 6.63)
  6. Fang, Z.-T. 4, R. Kapoor, A. Datta, S. Liu, M. A. Stull, P. G. Seitz, C. D. Johnson and S. Okumoto. 2022. Transcriptome Analysis of Developing Grains from Wheat Cultivars TAM 111 and TAM 112 Reveal Cultivar-Specific Regulatory Networks. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(20): 12660. (1, 6.21)
  7. Budak, H., B. Hussain, B. A. Akpınar, M. Alaux, A. M. Algharib, D. Sehgal, Z. Ali, G. I. Aradottir, J. Batley, A. Bellec, A. R. Bentley, H. B. Cagirici, L. Cattivelli, F. Choulet, J. Cockram, F. Desiderio, P. Devaux, M. Dogramaci, S. Dreisigacker, D. Edwards, K. El-Hassouni, K. Eversole, T. Fahima, M. Figueroa, S. Gálvez, K. S. Gill, L. Govta, A. Gul, G. Hensel, P. Hernandez, L. C. Herrera, A. Ibrahim, B. Kilian, V. Korzun, T. Krugman, Y. Li, S. Liu, A. F. Mahmoud, A. Morgounov, T. Muslu, F. Naseer, F. Ordon, E. Paux, D. Perovic, G. V. P. Reddy, J. C. Reif, M. Reynolds, R. Roychowdhury, J. Rudd, T. Z. Sen, S. Sukumaran, B. S. Ozdemir, V. K. Tiwari, N. Ullah, T. Unver, S. Yazar and R. Appels 2022. Capturing wheat phenotypes at the genome level. Frontiers in Plant Science 13. 851079. Doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.851079 (8, 6.63)
  8. Chu C.2, S. Wang, J.C. Rudd, A.M.H. Ibrahim, Q. Xue, R.N. Devkota, J.A. Baker, S.A. Baker, B.E. Simoneaux, G.B. Opena, H. Dong, X. Liu2, K.E. Jessup, M.-S. Chen, K. Hui3, R.P. Metz, C.D. Johnson, Z. Zhang, S.-Y. Liu*. 2021. A new strategy for using historical imbalanced yield data to conduct genome-wide association studies and develop genomic prediction models for wheat breeding. Mol. Breed. 42. Doi:10.1007/s11032-022-01287-8. 3, 3.1)
  9. Sade, B. 4, A. M. H. Ibrahim, N. Subramanian, J. Rudd, S. Liu, G. Opena and S. Baenziger 2022. Assessment of floral characteristics for hybrid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production in Texas. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment 5(1): e20228. (3, NA)
  10. He, F., W. Wang, W. B. Rutter, K. W. Jordan, J. Ren, E. Taagen, N. DeWitt, D. Sehgal, S. Sukumaran, S. Dreisigacker, M. Reynolds, J. Halder, S. K. Sehgal, S. Liu, J. Chen, A. Fritz, J. Cook, G. Brown-Guedira, M. Pumphrey, A. Carter, M. Sorrells, J. Dubcovsky, M. J. Hayden, A. Akhunova, P. L. Morrell, L. Szabo, M. Rouse and E. Akhunov 2022. Genomic variants affecting homoeologous gene expression dosage contribute to agronomic trait variation in allopolyploid wheat. Nature Commun. 13(1): 826.(48, 16.6)
  11. Thapa, S., J.C. Rudd, K.E. Jessup, S. Liu, J.A. Baker, R.N. Devkota, Q. Xue. 2022. Middle portion of the wheat culm remobilizes more carbon reserve to grains under drought. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. Doi: 10.1111/jac.12508 (12, 4.15)
  12. Jordan, K., P. Bradbury, Z.R. Miller, M. Nyine, F. He, M. Fraser, J. Anderson, E. Mason, A. Katz, S. Pearce, A.H. Carter, S. Prather, M. Pumphrey, J. Chen, J. Cook, S. Liu, J.C. Rudd, Z. Wang1, C. Chu2, A.M.H. Ibrahim, J. Turkus, E. Olson, R. Nagarajan, B. Carver, L. Yan, E. Taagen, M. Sorrells, B. Ward, J. Ren, A. Akhunova, G. Bai, R. Bowden, J. Fiedler, J. Faris, J. Dubcovsky, M. Guttieri, G. Brown-Guedira, E. Buckler, J.-L. Jannink, E. Akhunov. 2021. Development of the wheat practical haplotype graph database as a resource for genotyping data storage and genotype imputation G3: Gene, Genome and Genetics. DOI: 10.1093/g3journal/jkab390 (11, 3.54)
  13. Yu, S2. Assanga, S.O. 1, J. Awika, A. Ibrahim, J.C. Rudd, Q. Xue, M.J. Guttieri, G. Zhang, J.A. Baker, K.E. Jessup, and S.-Y. Liu*. 2021. Genetic mapping of quantitative trait loci for end-use quality and micronutrients in hard red winter wheat. Agronomy. 11: 2519. Doi: 10.3390/agronomy11122519. (8, 4). Paper of Editor’s Choice in 2023.
  14. Gaurav, K., S Arora, P Silva, J. Sánchez-Martín, R. Horsnell, ... S.-Y. Liu, J.C. Rudd, ... C. Uacy, M. Mascher, A.R. Bently, B. Keller, J. Poland, B.B.H Wulff. 2021. Population genomic analysis of Aegilops tauschii identifies targets for bread wheat improvement. Nature Biotechnology. Doi: 10.1038/s41587-021-01058-4 (91, 68.16)
  15. Dhakal S., X. Liu, C. Chu, Y. Yang, J.C. Rudd, A.M.H. Ibrahim, Q. Xue, R.N. Devkota, J.A. Baker, S.A. Baker, B.E. Simoneaux, G.B. Opena, R.L. Sutton, K.E. Jessup, K. Hui, S.Wang, C.D. Johnson, R.P. Metz, and S.-Y. Liu. 2021. Genome-wide QTL mapping of yield and agronomic traits in two widely adapted winter wheat cultivars ‘TAM 111’ and ‘TAM 112’ from multiple mega-environments. PeerJ. 10.7717/peerj.12350. Accepted. (Impact factor: 2.98)
  16. Gill, B.K., D.L. Klindworth, M.N. Rouse, J. Zhang, Q. Zhang, J.S. Sharma, C. Chu, Y. Long, S. Chao, P.L. Olivera, T.L. Friesen, S. Zhong, Y. Jin, J.D. Faris, J.D. Fiedlerm, E.M. Eliasm, S.-Y. Liu, X. Cai, S.S. Xu. 2021. Function and evolution of allelic variations of Sr13 conferring resistance to stem rust in tetraploid wheat (Triticum turgidum L.). The Plant Journal 106:1674-1691. doi: (Impact factor: 6.14)
  17. Bhandari, M., Q. Xue, S.-Y. Liu, B.A. Stewart, J.C. Rudd, P. Pokhrel, et al. 2021. Thermal imaging to evaluate wheat genotypes under dryland conditions. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment 4: e20152. doi: (Impact factor: ?)
  18. Abrouk, M., N. Athiyannan, T. Müller, Y. Pailles, C. Stritt, A.C. Roulin, C. Chu, S.-Y. Liu, T. Morita, H. Handa, J. Poland, B. Keller, and S.G. Krattinger. 2021. Population genomics and haplotype analysis in spelt and bread wheat identifies a gene regulating glume color. Nature Communications Biology 4, 375:1-11. (Impact factor: 6.27)
  19. Zhao, L., S.-Y. Liu, N.R. Abdelsalam, B.F. Carver and G. Bai. 2021. Characterization of wheat curl mite resistance gene Cmc4 in OK05312. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 134:993-1005. (Impact factor: 4.44)
  20. Chu, C., S. Wang, J.C. Rudd, Q. Xue, A.M.H. Ibrahim, R. Metz, C.D. Johnson, and S.-Y. Liu*. 2021. RNA-seq analysis reveals different drought tolerance mechanisms in broadly adapted wheat cultivars ‘TAM 111’ and ‘TAM 112’. Scientific Reports. 11:4301. (Impact factor: 4.38)
  21. Dhakal, S., X. Liu, A. Girard, C. Chu, Y. Yang, S. Wang, Q. Xue, J.C. Rudd, A.M.H. Ibrahim, J.M. Awika, K.E. Jessup, J.A. Baker, L. Garza, R.N. Devkota, S. Baker, C.D Johnson, R.P. Metz, S.-Y. Liu*. 2021. Genetic dissection of end‐use quality traits in two widely‐adapted wheat cultivars ‘TAM 111’ and ‘TAM 112’. Crop Sci. 61:1944-1959. (Impact factor: 1.88)
  22. Maulana, F., K-S. Kim, J.D. Anderson, M.E. Sorrells, T.J. Butler, S.-Y. Liu, P.S. Baenziger, P.F. Byrne, and X-F. Ma. 2021. Genomic Selection of Forage Agronomic Traits in Winter Wheat. Crop Sci. 61:410-421.
  23. Thapa, S., J.C. Rudd, K.E. Jessup, S. Liu, J.A. Baker, R.N. Devkota, Q. Xue. 2021. Middle portion of the wheat culm remobilizes more carbon reserve to grains under drought. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. (Impact factor: 3.06)
  24. Hussain, B., B.A. Akpınar, M. Alaux, A.M. Algharib, D. Sehgal, Z. Ali, R. Appels, G.I. Aradottir, J. Batley, A. Bellec, A.R. Bentley, H.B. Cagirici, L. Cattivelli, F. Choulet, J. Cockram, F. Desiderio, P. Devaux, M. Dogramaci, G. Dorado, S. Dreisigacker, D. Edwards, K. El-Hassouni, K. Eversole, T. Fahima, M. Figueroa, S. Gálvez, K.S. Gill, L. Govta, A. Gul, G. Hensel, P. Hernandez, L.C. Herrera, A. Ibrahim, B. Kilian, V. Korzun, T. Krugman, Y. Li, S. Liu, A.F. Mahmoud, A. Morgounov, T. Muslu, F. Naseer, F. Ordon, E. Paux, D. Perovic, G.V.P. Reddy, J.C. Reif, M. Reynolds, R. Roychowdhury, J. Rudd, T.Z. Sen, S. Sukumaran, V.K. Tiwari, N. Ullah, T. Unver, S. Yazar, H. Budak, Wheat genomics and breeding: bridging the gap, in CABI, Wallingford, 2021, pp. 57 pp.
  25. Yang, Y., S. Dhakal, C. Chu, S. Wang, Q. Xue, J.C. Rudd, A.M.H. Ibrahim, K. Jessup, J. Baker, M.P. Fuentealba, R. Devkota, S. Baker, C.D. Johnson, R. Metz, S.-Y. Liu*. 2020. Genome wide identification of QTL associated with yield and yield components in two popular wheat cultivars TAM 111 and TAM 112, PLOS ONE 15(12) e0237293. (Cited 1 time, IF: 2.74)
  26. Thapa, S., Q. Xue, K. E. Jessup, J. C. Rudd, S.-Y. Liu, R. N. Devkota, and J. A. Baker. 2020. Soil water extraction and use by winter wheat cultivars under limited irrigation in a semi-arid environment. J. Arid Environ. 174, 104046. (cited 4 times, IF: 1.825) (data analyses and interpretation)
  27. Seethepalli, A., H. Guo, X. Liu, M. Griffiths, H. Almtarfi, Z. Li, S.-Y. Liu et al. 2020. RhizoVision Crown: An integrated hardware and software platform for root crown phenotyping. Plant Phenomics 2020: 15. Doi:10.34133/2020/3074916. (cited 5 times) (provide research materials, data analyses and interpretation, draft review and editing).
  28. Yang, Y., B.R. Basnet, A.M.H. Ibrahim, J.C. Rudd, X. Chen, R.L. Bowden, Q. Xue, R.D. Devkota, S. Wang, C.D. Johnson, R. Metz, R.E. Mason, D.B. Hays and S-Y. Liu*. 2019. Developing KASP markers on a major stripe rust resistance QTL in a popular wheat TAM 111 using 90K array and genotyping-by-sequencing SNPs. Crop Sci. 59:165-175. Doi:10.2135/cropsci2018.05.0349 *Corresponding author. (cited 2 time, IF: 1.635)
  29. Maulana F., K-S. Kim, J.D. Anderson, M.E. Sorrells, T. J. Butler, S.-Y. Liu, P. S. Baenziger, P.F. Byrne, and X-F. Ma. 2019. Genomic selection of forage quality traits in winter wheat. Crop Sci. 59:2473-2483. (cited 2 time, IF: 1.635) (provide research materials, suggestions on data analyses and interpretation, draft review and editing)
  30. Mahmoudi, T.R., J.M. Yu, S.-Y. Liu, L.S. Pierson and E.A. Pierson. 2019. Drought-Stress tolerance in wheat seedlings conferred by phenazine-producing rhizobacteria. Frontiers in Microbiology 10. Doi:10.3389/fmicb.2019.01590. (cited 10 times, IF:4.076) (provide research materials, suggestions on data analyses and interpretation, draft review and editing)
  31. Thapa, S., J.C. Rudd, Q. Xue, M. Bhandari, S.K. Reddy, K.E. Jessup, S.-Y. Liu et al. 2019. Use of NDVI for characterizing winter wheat response to water stress in a semi-arid environment. J. of Crop Improv.: 1-16. Doi:10.1080/15427528.2019.1648348. (cited 5 times, IF: 0.63) (provide research materials, suggestions on data analyses and interpretation, draft review and editing)
  32. Ayalew H., P.W. Tsang, C. Chu, J. Wang, S.-Y. Liu, C. Chen, X. Ma. 2019. Comparison of TaqMan, KASP and rhAmp SNP genotyping platforms in hexaploidy wheat. PLOS ONE 14(5): e0217222. (cited 15 times, IF: 2.776) (provide research materials, suggestions on data analyses and interpretation, draft review and editing)
  33. Thapa, S., Q. Xue, K.E. Jessup, J.C. Rudd, S. Liu, T.H. Marek, R. N. Devkota, J. Baker, S. Baker. 2019. Yield determination in winter wheat under different water regimes. Field Crop Res. 233:80-87.
  34. Yang, Y., B.R. Basnet, A.M.H. Ibrahim, J.C. Rudd, X. Chen, R.L. Bowden, Q. Xue, R.D. Devkota, S. Wang, C.D. Johnson, R. Metz, R.E. Mason, D.B. Hays and S-Y. Liu*. 2019. Developing KASP markers on a major stripe rust resistance QTL in a popular wheat TAM 111 using 90K array and genotyping-by-sequencing SNPs. 59:165-175. *Corresponding author. doi:10.2135/cropsci2018.05.0349
  35. Nyine, M., S. Wang, K. Kiani, K. Jordan, S.Y. Liu, P. Byrne, S. Haley, S. Baenziger, S. Chao, R. Bowden, E. Akhunov. 2018. Genotype imputation in winter wheat using first-generation haplotype map SNPs improves genomewide association mapping and genomic predictions of traits. G3.9:125-133. G3/2018/200664
  36. Rudd, J.C., Devkota, R.N., A. M. Ibrahim, J.A. Baker, S. Baker, M.D. Lazar, R. Sutton, B. Simoneaux, G. Opeña, L.W. Rooney, J. M. Awika, S.-Y. Liu, Q. Xue, B. Bean, R.W. Duncan, R.L. Bowden, B.W. Seabourn, Y. Jin, M.-S. Chen, and R.A. Graybosch. 2018. TAM 114 wheat, excellent bread making-quality hard red winter wheat cultivar adapted to the Southern High Plain. J. Plant Reg. 12:367-372. doi:10.3198/jpr2017.11.0081crc
  37. Dhakal, S., C.-T. Tan, V. Anderson, H. Yu, M.P. Fuentealba, J.C. Rudd, S.D. Haley, Q. Xue, A.M.H. Ibrahim, L. Garza, R. Devkota, S.Y. Liu*. 2018. Mapping and KASP Marker Development for Wheat Curl Mite Resistance in ‘TAM 112’ Wheat Using Linkage and Association Analysis. Mol. Breed. 38:119. *Corresponding author.
  38. Thapa, S., S.K. Reddy, M.P. Fuentealba, Q. Xue*, J.C. Rudd, S.-Y. Liu*. 2018. Physiological Responses to Water Stress and Yield of Winter Wheat Cultivars Differing in Drought Tolerance. J. of Agron. and Crop Sci. 204:247-358. *Corresponding author
  39. Thapa, S., K.E. Jessup, G.P. Pradhan, J.C. Rudd, S. Liu, J.R. Mahan, R.N. Devkota, J.A. Baker, Q. Xue. 2018. Canopy temperature depression at grain filling correlates to winter wheat yield in the US Southern High Plains. Field Crops Research 217: 11-19.
  40. Assanga, S.O., M. Fuentealba, G. Zhang, C. Tan, S. Dhakal, J.C. Rudd, A.M.H. Ibrahim, Q Xue, S.D. Haley, J. Chen, S. Chao, J. Baker, K. Jessup, S.Y. Liu*. 2017. Mapping of quantitative trait loci for grain yield and its components in a US popular winter wheat TAM 111 using 90K SNPs. PLOS ONE 12: e0189669. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0189669. *Corresponding author.
  41. Thapa, S., Q. Xue, K.E. Jessup, J.C. Rudd, S. Liu, G.P. Pradhan, et al. 2017. More Recent Wheat Cultivars Extract More Water from Greater Soil Profile Depths to Increase Yield in the Texas High Plains. Agronomy Journal 109: 2771-2780. doi:10.2134/agronj2017.02.0064
  42. Tan, C.-T., H. Yu, Y. Yang, X. Xu, M. Chen, J.C. Rudd, Q. Xue, A. Ibrahim, L. Garza, S. Wang, M.E. Sorrells, S.Y. Liu*. 2017. Development and validation of KASP markers for the greenbug resistance gene Gb7 and the Hessian fly resistance gene H32 in wheat. Theor Appl Genet 130:1867-1884. doi:10.1007/s00122-017-2930-4. *Corresponding author.
  43. Tan, C.-T, S.O. Assanga, G. Zhang, J.C. Rudd, S. Haley, Q. Xue, A. Ibrahim, G. Bai, X. Zhang, P. Byrne, M.P. Fuentealba, S.Y. Liu*. 2017. Development and validation of KASP SNP markers for wheat streak mosaic virus resistance gene Wsm2. Crop Sci. 57:340-349. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2016.04.0234. *Corresponding author.
  44. Assanga, S.O., G. Zhang, C.-T. Tan, J.C. Rudd, A. Ibrahim, Q. Xue, S. Chao, M.P. Fuentealba, S.Y. Liu*. 2017. Saturated genetic map of wheat streak mosaic virus resistance gene wsm2 in wheat. Crop Sci. 57:332-339. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2016.04.0233. *Corresponding author.
  45. Dhakal, S., C.-T, Tan, L. Paezold, M.P. Fuentealba, J.C. Rudd, B.C. Blaser, Q. Xue, C.M. Rush, R.N. Devkota, S.Y. Liu*. 2017. Wheat curl mite resistance in hard winter wheat in the U.S. Great Plains. Crop Sci. 57:53-61. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2016.02.0121 *Corresponding author.
  46. Thapa, S., K. Jessup, G. Pradhan, J.C. Rudd, S.-Y. Liu, J. Mahan, R.N. Devkota, J. Baker, Q. Xue. 2017. More Recent Wheat Cultivars Extract More Water from Greater Soil Profile Depths to Increase Yield in the Texas High Plains. Agron. J. 109:2771–2780