Grace Melo Guerrero
Tamu 2124
College Station, TX 77843
Tamu 2124
College Station, TX 77843

Grace Melo is a Visiting Assistant Professor and an Accountability, Climate, Equity, and Scholarship (ACES) Fellow in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Texas A&M University. Her current research focuses on consumer demand using national survey data and economic experiments. Grace Melo received her Ph.D. in Agricultural and Applied Economics from the University of Georgia in 2017. Prior to coming to Texas, she was an Assistant Professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, where she conducted research on food policy and taught Agricultural Marketing and Agribusiness.
Consumer behavior, Food Policy
Ph.D. Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Georgia
M.Sc. Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Georgia
B.Sc. Food Science, Zamorano University
Melo, G., Sanhueza, D., Morales, S., and Peña-Lévano, L. 2021. “What does the pandemic mean for experiential learning? Lessons from Latin America.” Applied Economics Teaching Resources (forthcoming).
Melo, G., Caro., C. and Chomalí, L., 2020. “¿Pueden los impuestos mejorar la calidad nutricional de la dieta en Chile? Temas de la Agenda Pública.” Centro de Políticas Públicas UC, 15(123)1-18.
Melo, G. 2020. The Path Forward: US Consumer and Food Retail Responses to COVID-19. Choices, 35, 3.
Melo, G., C. Zhen, and G. Colson. 2019. “Does point-of-sale nutrition information improve the nutritional quality of food choices?.” Economics&Human Biology, 35, 133-143.
Finkelstein, E., W. Li, G. Melo, G. Strombotne, Z. Chen, 2018. “Identifying the effect of shelf nutrition labels on consumer purchases: results of a natural experiment and consumer survey.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 107(4), 647-651.
Colson, Gregory, G. Melo, and Octavio A. Ramirez. 2016. “Survey Evidence on Legal and Illegal Hispanic Immigrants’ Perceptions of Living and Working in US Agriculture.” AgBioForum 18:259-265.
Melo, G., G. Colson, O.A. Ramirez. 2014. “Hispanic American Opinions towards Immigration and Immigration Policy Reform Proposals.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 36:604-622.
Melo, G., G. Colson, and O.A. Ramirez. 2014. “In Immigration Reform, Undocumented Immigrants Value Work Visas and Family Visits more than Access to Healthcare and Social Security.” USApp–American Politics and Policy Blog.