John Robinson

John Robinson

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Physical Location:
Ag & Life Sciences Building
College Station, TX 77843
Mailing Address:
Texas A&M University
2124 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-2124
Organizational Role:
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Position Title:
Professor and Extension Economist - Cotton Marketing
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General Bio:

Dr. John Robinson is a Professor and Extension Specialist – Cotton Marketing. He received a B.S. and M.S. in Entomology and a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics, all from Texas A&M University. His prior experience includes work within the Texas A&M University System (College Station, Thrall, Vernon, Weslaco) and at Mississippi State University. His educational programming emphasizes risk management issues related to cotton, including cash markets, hedging, contracting, insurance, and transportation/logistics issues. He is a member of the American Agricultural Economics Association and the Southern Agricultural Economics Association.


Robinson's research areas focus on risk management issues related to cotton, including cash markets, hedging, contracting, insurance, and transportation/logistics issues.


Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, 1993 

Dissertation: Estimation of Non-Market Benefits From Boll Weevil Eradication in the Texas Gulf Coast Region 

Major Professor: Ronald D. Lacewell


M.S. in Entomology, Texas A&M University, 1986  

Thesis: Effectiveness of Two Spraying Systems for Bollworm Suppression, Canopy Penetration, and Drift Reduction in the Rolling Plains of Texas 

Major Professors: Jeffery E. Slosser and J. Knox Walker


B.S. in Entomology (Science Option), Texas A&M University, 1983


2022 State Specialist of the Year in Texas Agriculture. Texas County Agricultural Agents Association.

2019 Quality of Communication Award.  Agricultural & Applied Economics Association for all articles in the “U.S.-China Trade Dispute and Potential Impacts on Agriculture.” Choices Theme Issue.

2018 Outstanding Extension Program Award.  Southern Agricultural Economics Association.

2017-18 Superior Service Award – Extension Specialist.  Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.

Outstanding Extension Program Award Team.  February 2014 Southern Agricultural Economics Association.  For contributions to the Texas A&M University Economic Impact Team (McCorkle et al.).

1999 MAEA Award.  June 1999.  For service as President of Mississippi Agricultural Economics Association.

C. Everette Salyer Fellowship in Cotton Research.  1988-1992. $15,000 annual stipend for graduate research activity, Texas A&M University.

Outstanding Undergraduate in Entomology Award.  1983.  Central Texas Chapter of the American Registry of Professional Entomologists.

Novy Scholarship Award (1981; $150) and Gib Whitten Scholarship Award (1982; $200).  Undergraduate student scholarship awards thought the Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University.

Selected Publications:


Liu, Y., J.R.C. Robinson, and W.D. Shurley. 2018. "China’s Potential Cotton Tariffs and U.S. Cotton Exports: Lessons from History." Choices. Quarter 2. Available online at

Hazelrigs, Lauren, William B. Faulkner, Ronald E. Lacey, John Robinson, and Calvin B. Parnell, Jr.  “Improving Cotton Warehousing Efficiencies through Novel Bale Marketing Strategies: Aisle-Stacking and Block-Stacking.”  The Journal of Cotton Science 21:167–174 (2017).  Available online at

Welch, Mark, David Anderson, John Robinson, Mark Waller, Stan Bevers, Rob Hogan, Steve Amosson, Dean McCorkle, Jackie Smith, and Emmy Williams.  “Have Concerns over Futures Market Integrity Impacted Producer Price Risk Management Practices?”  Choices 28(4)1-6.  Fourth Quarter, 2013.  Available online at .

Gabriel J. Power and John R. C. Robinson. 2013. “Commodity Futures Price Volatility, Convenience Yield and Economic Fundamentals.” Applied Economics Letters 20(11) 1089-1095.  Available online at . Accessed 6/18/2013.

Pace, Jason D. and John R. C. Robinson.  2012.  “Marketing Choices by Texas Cotton Growers.”  Journal of Agribusiness Vol. 30(2):173-184. Special Issue, Fall 2012. 

Anderson, David P., J. Mark Welch, and John R. C. Robinson. 2012.  “Agricultural Impacts from Texas’ Driest Year on Record.”  Choices 27(3)1-3.  Third Quarter, 2012. Available online at , Accessed 12/17/2012.

Stephen Fuller, John Robinson, Francisco Fraire, and Sharada Vadali. 2012. “Feasibility of an Intermodal Terminal in Rural Texas to Enhance Marketing and Transportation Efficiency.”  Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, 51, 2 (Summer 2012), pp. 25-42.  Available online at , Accessed 12/17/2012.

Barham, E. Hart Bise, John R.C. Robinson, James W. Richardson, and M. Edward Rister.  2011.  “Mitigating Cotton Revenue Risk through Irrigation, Insurance, and Hedging.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 43,4(November 2011):529–540.

McCorkle, Dean. A., John R. C. Robinson, Dan Hanselka, Steven L. Klose, Thomas W. Fuchs, and Charles T. Allen.  2010.  “The Economic Impact of Boll Weevil Eradication in Texas.”  The Texas Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resource 23:50-63(2010).  Available online at .  Accessed March 14, 2011.

Robinson, John R. C., Ari M. Michelsen, and Noel R. Gollehon.  2010.  “Mitigating Water Shortages in a Multiple Risk Environment.  Water Policy 12(1):114–128.

Showler, A.T., and J. R. C. Robinson.  2008. “Cotton Harvest at 40% Versus 75% Boll-Splitting on Yield and Economic Return under Standard and Proactive Boll Weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Spray Regimes.”  Vol. 101, No. 5.  Journal of Economic Entomology.  pp. 1600-1605.

Hudson, Darren, C. Parr Rosson III, John Robinson, and Jaime Malaga.  2005.  “The WTO Cotton Case and U.S. Domestic Policy.”  Choices 20(2):143-8.

Martin, S. W., J. R. C. Robinson, F. T. Cooke, Jr., and D. W. Parvin.  2005.  “Managing Tillage, Crop Rotations, and Environmental Concerns in a Whole Farm Environment.”  Crop Management (accessed March 22, 2006).

Showler, A.T., S.M. Greenberg, A.W. Scott, Jr., and J. R. C. Robinson.  2005. “Effects of Planting Dates on Boll Weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and Cotton Fruit in the Subtropics.”  Vol. 98, No. 3.  Journal of Economic Entomology.  pp. 796-804.

Showler, A.T., and J. R. C. Robinson.  2005.  “Proactive Spraying Against Boll Weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Reduces Insecticide Applications and Increases Cotton Yield and Economic Return.”  Vol. 98, No. 6.  Journal of Economic Entomology.  pp. 1977-1983.

Yang, C., J. H. Everitt, D. Murden, and J. R. C. Robinson. 2002.  “Spatial Variability in Yields and Profits Within Ten Grain Sorghum Fields in South Texas.”  Transactions of American Society of Agricultural Engineers 45(4):897-906.

Robinson, John R. C., Hailing Zang, and Stephen W. Fuller.  2002.  “Weekly Price-Shipment Relationships for South Texas Onions.”  Subtropical Plant Science, 54:11-15.

Bryant, K. J., R. D. Lacewell, John R. C. Robinson, et al. 1995.  “Economics Impact of Withdrawing Specific Agricultural Pesticides in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas.”  1995 Journal of American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. pp. 154-159.

Robinson, John R. C., Ronald D. Lacewell, John R. Stoll, and R. Freeman.1992. “Estimating Agricultural Benefits from Drainage Over A Relatively Level Terrain.” Agricultural Water Management 21:79-91.

Robinson, John R. C., Jeffery E. Slosser, J. Knox Walker, and J. Price. 1986.  “CDA/ULV-Oil Technology vs. Conventional Spray Technology for Ground Application of Sprays for Bollworm Control in the Texas Rolling Plains.”  The Southwestern Entomologist, Suppl. No. 11, Dec. 1986, pp. 25-37.

Robinson, John R. C. and Jeffery E. Slosser.  1986.  “Controlled Droplet Application Technology for Ultra Low Volume-Oil Spraying of Insecticides in Cotton.”  The Southwestern Entomologist, Suppl. No. 11, December, 1986, pp. 9-17.